Our featured actions

Email the Environment Minister: Assess Bennett's Kimberley gas fracking proposal

Say no to Woodside's gas expansion plans in WA! Send the pre-filled letter

Saying yes to well-located renewable energy will benefit nature

News | 04 March 24

This is the decade for action

Our communities and wildlife are at the frontlines of climate impacts. Floods, heatwaves, droughts and bushfires are getting more frequent and more extreme.

People all over Australia are speaking out, building powerful movements and shifting community attitudes. Together we are pushing governments and corporations to step up – but bolder, more courageous action is urgently needed.

To protect the people and nature we love, we must replace polluting coal, gas and uranium with renewable energy from the sun and wind. It’s reliable, affordable and ready to power our lives and exports, and slash pollution now.

This is the decade that matters. Let’s act now to create a safe climate future for all.

Some useful reading:

Our jobs future is sunny
A fair transition for Gladstone, QLD

A girl writes 'Climate Action Now' on a classroom in the aftermath of extreme floods devestated Lismore, NSW.

This is the decade for climate solutions

Together we keep growing a thriving movement for climate action that wins hearts and minds. Now our decision-makers are starting to take action with us.

Our state and federal governments are lifting their emissions reduction targets, investing in large-scale, publicly-owned wind and solar power. But our governments are still spending billions in public money on coal, gas and oil. Australia continues to be the world’s biggest exporter of coal and liquified natural gas (LNG). No matter where coal and gas are burnt, it drives climate impacts here at home and across the world.

Climate damage is here, now. We urgently need bolder and more ambitious action. The solutions are here and they'll make our lives better. 

Ramping up climate solutions now will create a brighter, safe climate future. Let’s get on with it!

Climate damage is here, now. We urgently need bolder and more ambitious action.

A woman kayaks and her dogs swim through elevated water post-flooding

Join in

Everyday people taking action over many years has led us here. Donations, emails to decision-makers, putting signs up in our front yards, building power deep in communities.

Everyday people taking action is how we keep slashing pollution – and speed it up.

Join the movement for a brighter future today. To get started add your name to the petition to end coal and gas in Australia.

Some useful reading:

Louder than ever before

People march holding aloft signs that say "Climate Action Now"

A climate bomb on the west coast

One of the most polluting new fossil fuel projects proposed in Australia is Woodside’s Scarborough gas project off the coast of Western Australia.

Each year, Scarborough would pollute 15 coal-fired power stations worth of emissions.

Gas is mainly made up of methane, which is a climate-heating gas way more potent than carbon dioxide. Most of the gas dug up at Scarborough would be burnt overseas. But no matter where coal and gas are burnt, it drives climate impacts here at home and across the world.

No matter where coal and gas are burnt, it drives climate impacts here at home and across the world.

An offshore gas drill, like what Woodside wants to build off the west coast of Australia

Take action

Read the latest news and join the movement. 


ACF submission on the National Energy Workforce Strategy


Submission to the inquiry into the offshore wind industry consultation process

Advice shows Australia can achieve 75% cut in emissions by 2035

News | 05 September 24

Submission to AEMO’s 2025 Inputs, Assumptions and Scenarios consultation paper

Email the Environment Minister: Assess Bennett's Kimberley gas fracking proposal


Submission to Future Made in Australia inquiry

Sheep and solar panels; the future of agriculture is sustainable

News | 24 July 24

Gas expansion is a recipe for climate disaster

News | 23 July 24

Submission to the Green Metals Consultation Paper

Federal investment in clean industries welcome, but handouts to coal need to stop

News | 12 July 24