Victorian solar homes plan highlights missing climate leadership in Canberra

19 August 18

The Victorian solar homes plan will be good for our climate, good for clean energy, and good for household power bills.

Designing the ‘plus’ in ‘NEG-plus’ to support clean projects

14 August 18

The ACCC recommendation must not be used as a Trojan horse to satisfy the ideological excesses of climate deniers in the Coalition who are obsessed with building a new polluting coal plant

ACF response to COAG Energy Council meeting outcome on the NEG

10 August 18

If the Turnbull Government is going to refuse to boost the NEG’s pollution target, then it must accept the state’s changes so a future government, of any political stripe, can embrace truly responsible climate action.

Adani must be held to account for environmental breaches

10 August 18

Until we stop its proposed coal mine, the health of our clean water and native species will be threatened by Adani’s reckless attitude.

Sensible compromise needed to deliver the NEG

07 August 18

If we are to salvage a solution on the NEG for our climate then the Turnbull Government must make amendments.

Overnight export of nuclear waste through Sydney highlights need for proper management regime

29 July 18

The Federal Government has not solved the complex management issues with nuclear waste, merely bought some time.

Final Commonwealth design paper shows NEG still fails on climate change

25 July 18

The Turnbull Government will implement a woefully inadequate 26 per cent climate pollution cut from electricity generation by 2030.

Minister already has evidence to reject Toondah Harbour high-rise development and protect international wetlands

24 July 18

The Federal Environment Minister has ignored evidence of a significant threat to internationally protected wetlands, koalas and threatened bird species in his decision to progress the Toondah Harbour development proposal.