Special exemptions from water rules for mining companies must be scrapped

06 June 18

Public spotlight needed on Kakadu uranium clean-up

05 June 18

Territory and national environment groups have called for public scrutiny and input into Energy Resources Australia’s (ERA) new report detailing plans for the clean up the Ranger uranium mine site in Kakadu.

AGL confirms polluting Liddell coal plant will close in 2022

21 May 18

Analysis: Revoking Adani’s environmental approvals would not raise sovereign risk

21 May 18

New pollution data shows Turnbull Government has washed its hands of climate action

14 May 18

Massive Cape York land clearing approval would undercut Turnbull’s reef rescue plan

13 May 18

Budget 2018-19: Investment in a healthy environment cut to bare bones, while fossil fuel subsidies continue

08 May 18

The 2018-19 Federal Budget pushes through more damaging environment cuts and continues reckless fossil fuel subsidies.

Cut to Murray-Darling water recovery targets reckless

07 May 18

ACF will continue to work with people across the basin to insist on the restoration of our rivers, wetlands and communities.