The Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) has welcomed Queensland Labor’s announcement of renewable energy policies that promise to:
“With this announcement Queensland Labor has signaled their ambition to race South Australia and Victoria in transitioning to clean energy,” ACF Chief Executive Officer, Kelly O’Shanassy, said today.
“This reinforces last week’s announcement that if re-elected, Labor will reintroduce strong tree clearing laws scrapped by the Newman government. Currently the pollution from tree clearing is equal to three large coal-fired power stations.
“The decision to invest $97 million into making schools clean energy power stations is also forward thinking policy. Schools have lots of roof space and use power when the sun is shining. This investment will pay for itself many times over within a few years.
“This announcement is in stark contrast to the LNP when it comes to support for clean energy and climate action.
“Tim Nicholls and the LNP are stuck in the past and out of touch. Queenslanders overwhelmingly support clean energy and want to see the Great Barrier Reef protected.”
“During this election campaign Tim Nicholls has committed to scrap the renewable energy target, build a new climate-wrecking coal fired power station and maintain some of the worst tree clearing laws in the world.
“The LNP’s climate, renewables and tree clearing policies will wreck the reef, cause wildlife extinctions and make climate change in Queensland worse.
“Of the minor parties One Nation seems intent on racing the LNP to the bottom, with Queensland leader Steve Dickson commenting that not one but two dirty coal burning power stations should be built in Queensland. The Queensland Greens on the other hand are out in front with a 90% renewable energy target and solid plans to transition away from polluting fuels.”