In response to Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk's announcement that she will veto any loan to Adani from the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility, Australian Conservation Foundation Chief Executive Officer, Kelly O'Shanassy, said: 

"Australians around the country have been telling the Federal and Queensland governments they do not want Adani's dirty coal mine. Australians know that burning the Adani coal will cause climate chaos and doom the Great Barrier Reef. They know that protecting nature and investing in clean energy is the best way to guarantee this country’s future. 

“By declaring that she will veto any NAIF loan to Adani, Annastacia Palaszczuk is recognising the level of community anger against this dirty coal mine. It is vitally important that the Liberal National Party leader Tim Nicholls listens to Queenslanders and commits to vetoing the loan. 

“This is a great moment for Australians that support clean air, clean water and a safe climate. But it is not the end of this campaign. Australians will stop this mega coal mine.” 

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Journalists with enquiries may contact Josh Meadows on 0439 342 992.