A vibrant and healthy democracy helps us solve our biggest challenges – like ending climate pollution and the extinction crisis.
But in Australia, the deep-pocketed coal and gas industries distort the political process and influence our government’s decisions for their own gain. This throws our whole democratic system out of balance, leaving everyday Australians struggling to have our voices heard.
By getting big money out of politics and putting people back in, together we can revitalise and restore faith in our democracy, and ensure it works for all of us.
Are you ready to strengthen our democracy and work together to create a future where we don’t just survive, but thrive?
Join the ACF community today to stay up-to-date with the latest campaign news and activities, or join a local ACF Community group to take action with like-minded people in your local area.
We’ll repair our democracy by working together. That’s why ACF, alongside the Australian Democracy Network and the Human Rights Law Centre, is leading a diverse range of people and civil society organisations to establish the #OurDemocracy campaign – a nation-wide movement calling for a healthy democracy that works for all of us.
The #OurDemocracy network worked with experts to design the Framework for a Fair Democracy – eleven clear and common sense reforms to boost integrity and stamp out corruption, making our democracy clean and fair.
To make these reforms law, we’ll need to speak up and do democracy together. By meeting your MP, sending letters and emails, signing petitions, and working with the people around you to stand up for your community, our beautiful nature, and the climate we all share.
Our democracy needs to be clean, fair, active and meaningful. Here’s where we start:
A healthy democracy works for our people and our planet.
Read the latest news, and find the actions you can take so our democracy works for the people.