The South Australian Labor Government rushed an anti-protest bill through the Lower House which could impose a $50,000 fine on people taking part in peaceful protest.

We have until as soon as Tuesday 30 May to stop it becoming law and protect our right to peaceful protest. Fill in the form to find and call your local Labor representative now.

How to make your call:

  1. Type your full address in the form on this page, to look up the name and contact number for your Labor representative (if you have a Labor MP, their details will appear. If you don't have a Labor MP, you will see the contact numbers for your Labor representatives in the Upper House instead.)
  2. Take a few minutes to make one (or more!) phone calls to ask your representative(s) to protect peaceful protest. You can use our talking points and email tips if that helps. 
  3. Let us know how your call(s) went by filling in the form on this page and clicking the green "I made a call" button to submit. 

The key ask:

  • Stop the bill!

  • At the very least, send the bill to a committee inquiry for proper scrutiny

You may like to mention:

  • South Australia’s long and proud history of peaceful protest

  • Your concern about the harsh sentencing being proposed – the new laws would result in a 6000% increase on the existing penalty

  • The way the bill has been rushed through, without consultation, despite high levels of community concern

  • Your commitment to and belief in the democratic right of peaceful protest.


Header: Bill Doyle (People's Climate March, Adelaide)