A survey of 6500 women, by ACF and 1 Million Women, examines women's attitudes and actions on climate change in the lead-up to this year’s federal election.

A new survey of Australian women’s views on climate change has found nearly nine in ten are ‘extremely concerned’ and in the under-30 bracket one in three are so worried about what global warming is doing to the future that they are reconsidering having children.

Those are among the startling findings of a survey of 6500 women, conducted by the Australian Conservation Foundation and 1 Million Women, examining attitudes and actions on climate change in the lead-up to this year’s federal election.

One in three (33.4 per cent) of the women surveyed under 30 said they were ‘reconsidering having children or more children because I am increasingly worried that if I have children they will face an unsafe future from climate change’. In the 30–39 age range, the figure was still more than one in five (22.4 per cent).

Around 78 per cent said they or their friends and family had experienced worry or anxiety about climate change and the future. Nearly 7 in 10 (68.8 per cent) said they would vote for political candidates with clear plans to accelerate action on climate change.

“Women across the country are feeling the brutal impacts of climate change right now – bushfires, floods, drought, heatwaves – and they are fed up with politicians who aren’t leading on this,” said 1 Million Women founder Natalie Isaacs.

“This survey shows women in Australia recognise climate damage, they are worried about what it is doing to our collective future and they are changing their lives in response, including their purchasing decisions, votes and even family planning.”  

ACF’s Chief Executive Officer, Kelly O’Shanassy, said Australia was experiencing climate disasters of unparalleled degree and frequency, and women were demanding action from those who want to represent them in the next parliament.

“There is a large mainstream constituency for climate action in this country and women are leading the way in making this year’s election the climate election,” Ms O’Shanassy said.

1 Million Women sent the online survey to its supporters and ACF sent the survey to all its female supporters. The survey was completed by 6514 women in September–October 2018.

A 4-page summary of the survey is here

ACF Media Enquiries

Journalists with enquiries may contact Josh Meadows on 0439 342 992.