Lodge a missing creature alert with your Member of Parliament


Palm cockatoos are pretty incredible birds.

To woo lady palm cockatoos, males make drumsticks from branches and seed pods and beat their own rhythms while whooping and flapping their wings. Their rosy cheeks glow vibrant red when they’re excited.

But bulldozers are making them vulnerable to extinction. This cannot go on. 

Will you lodge a missing creature alert with your local Member of Parliament? Tell them we need strong national environment laws to protect the places and wildlife we love – and ask them to raise this with their party leader.

Fill out the webform with your name and why you care. We'll print your name and message on a special missing creature alert and post it to your local MP. If you prefer, you can print and post it yourself.

Latest Supporters

Michal Glikson
Michal 2018-06-05 19:01:09 +1000
Please use your position to protect our environment for all creatures we share this planet with, as well as for the benefit of our children and future generations.

Political decisions must be made for the long term, not just greedy short term financial gain.

Life, our community and our environment are more important than the economy. We have the power to invest in and lead the world in environmentaly sustainable industries rather than continue to support greedy destructive industries and companies.
Steve 2018-06-05 19:01:01 +1000
All creatures are needed for us all to survive and prosper. The web of life includes all.
Liz 2018-06-05 19:00:31 +1000
Maureen Clifton
Maureen 2018-06-05 18:59:07 +1000
M Morton
M 2018-06-05 18:58:51 +1000
It is an absolute tragedy to trash our environment and kill off our native wildlife. Please support our threatened species.
Sue 2018-06-05 18:57:26 +1000
Carissa 2018-06-05 18:55:16 +1000
Sharing the planet with these and other beautiful wild creatures makes life valuable and joyous. A planet without them is a dead place.
Penelope 2018-06-05 18:55:02 +1000
Over development and rampant land clearing are destroying the habitat of so many of Australia’s animals (and plants).

We need genuine laws that protect Australia’s unique wildlife.
Jenny 2018-06-05 18:55:01 +1000
Once a species is gone it’s gone forever. We should not destroy our children’s future for trivial short term profits derived from logging old growth forests or razing more bush for marginal farming. Please help with stopping the pillaging of our environment for the enrichment of a few !
thomas 2018-06-05 18:52:10 +1000
It’s high time we took responsibility for our environment and protecting our native forests and wildlife should take priority
Connie 2018-06-05 18:51:20 +1000
Pauline 2018-06-05 18:50:44 +1000
Preserve and protect before it’s too late. Australia has a terrible reputation for the extinction of our own native fauna.
Nicole 2018-06-05 18:50:17 +1000
We don’t own this earth; we share it with incredible creatures who all deserve to live.
Holly 2018-06-05 18:48:47 +1000
joanne mcmahon
Joanne 2018-06-05 18:48:33 +1000
Carole Anne Bracken
Carole 2018-06-05 18:48:33 +1000
If we don’t care, who will!!!???
Sonia 2018-06-05 18:47:32 +1000
Stacey 2018-06-05 18:46:31 +1000
mandy spacek
Mandy 2018-06-05 18:46:26 +1000
Florence Thomson
Florence 2018-06-05 18:45:52 +1000
I care about all wildlife and it’s environment
Julie 2018-06-05 18:45:51 +1000
Gail E Desnoy
Gail 2018-06-05 18:45:50 +1000
Please make our environment laws stonger to stop the land clearing of the habitat of this beautiful bird. They are seriously under threat and once gone they’re gone forever.
William 2018-06-05 18:44:41 +1000
Another victim of the almighty dollar? destruction of habitat? How would you behave if a bulldozer turned up and destroyed your home, potentially with your family in it? Not so good? Don’t allow this if you wouldn’t want it for yourself – act.
Gary 2018-06-05 18:44:36 +1000
I worry very much about what will become of these beautiful innocent creatuures They are Gods creations and need someone to speak up for them. Please help them.
Debbie 2018-06-05 18:42:57 +1000
Pam 2018-06-05 18:42:36 +1000
If we don’t stop the destruction of these beautiful birds’ habitat we will lose them forever, and there is no going back.
Sue 2018-06-05 18:41:41 +1000
Jacqueline Gardner
Jacqueline 2018-06-05 18:40:53 +1000
James Rowley
James 2018-06-05 18:40:40 +1000
Two choices: continue on the current reckless trajectory, or slow down, take stock and make informed decisions!
Chris 2018-06-05 18:39:30 +1000