Sending your missing creature alert by post is a great way to catch your Member of Parliament’s attention. MPs receive hundreds of emails each day, so a handwritten envelope really stands out. To amplify your impact, write your missing creature alert by hand. Or get your kids to do it! 

Follow the links below to download an alert for your favourite missing creature:

  1. Print the alert
  2. Fill it out with your name and a few sentences about why you think we need strong new environment laws
  3. Post it to your local MP or hand deliver it to their office

Download a missing creature alert

Palm cockatoo

Greater glider

Largetooth sawfish

Striped legless lizard

Southern corroboree frog


Swift parrot

Southern blue whale 

Create your own

Find your local MP's address 

To find your local Member of Parliament, visit and type in your postcode. Click on your MP’s name, then find their Parliament Office address. This is where you should send your missing creature alert.

If more than one MP shows up, this means your postcode sits across two electorates. To find out which electorate (and which Member of Parliament) you belong, type your suburb into the search bar at 

Report back

Let us know how you went! Which missing creature did you choose? Who did you send your alert to?