The amazing #StopAdani Roadshow mobilises 4000 people in four days

05 April 17

Changing the world for the better with cupcakes, community and courage

04 April 17

Watch the trailer: Guarding the Galilee Documentary

31 March 17

Palaszczuk to put Adani before Queensland with secret water licence deal

31 March 17

Saying no to Adani, saying yes to the Reef – local voices speak out

31 March 17

Coal closure inquiry: squabbles in Canberra while workers and climate suffer

30 March 17

Coal workers and energy security will continue to suffer due to the inability of the major parties to enable rapid shift from coal to renewables.

Radioactive repeat: federal radioactive waste "Groundhog Day" increases uncertainty

21 March 17

Adani doesn't know what's coming: Stop Adani Roadshow in capital cities

16 March 17