In response to the news Fremantle Football Club has extended its sponsorship contract with fossil fuel giant Woodside, the Australian Conservation Foundation’s campaigns director Dr Paul Sinclair said:

“As Australia heads towards a potentially dangerous summer of extreme weather, it is irresponsible of the Fremantle Dockers to have extended its contract with expansionary gas giant Woodside.

“No matter where in the world Woodside’s gas is burnt, it comes back to hurt Australians through more intense heatwaves, longer droughts and worse bushfires.

“By taking Woodside’s money Fremantle Football Club is ignoring the pleas of its many supporters who want it to make a break from one of Australia’s biggest climate polluters.

“Fossil fuel polluters like Woodside want their logos on sporting uniforms to clean up their brand by associating with teams people feel intense loyalty towards.

“But the truth is sports that accept sponsorship from fossil fuel corporations are endorsing a polluting and harmful product.”

July 2023 was the world’s warmest month in recorded history and August 2023 was the world’s hottest August on record.

This month in Australia we have had a record spell of heat that saw temperatures as much as 18° above average in some states.

The Bureau of Meteorology is warning of a dangerous spring and summer ahead.

In July ACF, along with former WA Premier Carmen Lawrence and the Australian Youth Climate Coalition delivered a petition with 8,000 signatures to the Fremantle Football Club calling on the Dockers to ditch Woodside.

ACF Media Enquiries

Journalists with enquiries may contact Josh Meadows on 0439 342 992.