Decisive and urgent action is needed to address climate change with confirmation from the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) that Australia recorded its fourth-hottest year on record in 2020.

The BoM annual climate statement, released today, shows the nation’s area-averaged mean temperature for the year was 1.15°C above the 1961–1990 average.

“2020 started with unprecedented bushfires and ended with floods,” said Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) climate campaigner Christian Slattery.

“It was also Australia’s fourth-hottest year on record, following 2019, which was the warmest,” he said.

“Last year was a frightening forewarning of our new climate normal if we fail to take urgent action to curb emissions.

“But – if we make good decisions today – we can safeguard our future. Australia has abundant access to sunshine and wind energy. We can harness this and make Australia a renewable energy superpower.

“By building new wind and solar projects we can reduce emissions, cut power prices, and create tens of thousands of new jobs. Making our homes more energy efficient will also create jobs.

“This latest data reinforces the need for the Morrison government to commit to achieving net zero emissions well before 2050, as well as to establish the policies and pathways that will get us there.

“The start of a new year is the perfect time for us to work together and build a future that’s good for people and planet.”

ACF Media Enquiries

Journalists with enquiries may contact Josh Meadows on 0439 342 992. For all other enquiries please call 1800 223 669 or email [email protected]