Productivity Commission inquiry into Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation
10 November 17
Submission to the Productivity Commission following their draft report into horizontal fiscal equalisation.
Murray Darling Basin Plan Senate Inquiry
15 October 17
Submission to the Senate Inquiry into the integrity of the water market in the Murray-Darling Basin
Political Donations Inquiry
06 October 17
Submission to Select Committee into the Political Influence of Donations
Inquiry into the Operation and Governance of the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility
02 October 17
Submission to the Inquiry into the Operation and Governance of the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility (NAIF) including report by ACIL Allen Consulting
Submission to the Stop Adani Bill 2017
02 October 17
Submission to the Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communications on the Environment and Infrastructure Legislation Amendment (Stop Adani) Bill 2017
Submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters
28 September 17
Inquiry into and report on all aspects of the conduct of the 2016 Federal Election and matters related thereto
Tax Deductible Gift Recipient Reform
22 September 17
Correction of Erroneous Statements in Minerals Council of Australia Submission in relation to Tax Deductible Gift Recipient Reform Opportunities Discussion Paper
Proposed Fuel Efficiency Standard for Light Vehicles
04 August 17
Tax Deductible Gift Recipient Reform
02 August 17
Submission in relation to Tax Deductible Gift Recipient Reform Opportunities Discussion Paper - 15 June 2017