Big polluters report - Dirtiest players must reform

19 March 15

While the Prime Minister believes ‘coal is good for humanity’, his views will be challenged as the world prepares for crucial UN climate talks in Paris later this year, writes ACF president Geoff Cousins

Plan needed to guide the switch from coal to clean

18 March 15

SA closed door nuke talkfest will not ‘broaden public discussion’

16 March 15

Fukushima four years on – what lessons has Australia learnt?

11 March 15

Fukushima remains a profound human, economic and environmental tragedy - and Australian uranium exports must shoulder some of that blame, writes Dave Sweeney

Let's talk about climate

10 March 15

In an interview with ACF's James Norman, Naomi Klein asks: What if part of the reason so many of us have failed to act is not because we are too selfish, but because we are utterly overwhelmed by how much we do care?

Benefits of environmental watering at risk from buyback cap

10 March 15

Marcia Langton should go back to the drawing board on mining agreement praise

06 March 15

Declaring mining agreements a success in Aboriginal communities after reviewing less than two percent of agreements seems a stretch, writes Dave Sweeney

Lifting India out of poverty and pollution

06 March 15

India’s air is cutting 660 million lives short by about three years, while nearly all of the country’s 1.2 billion citizens are breathing in harmful pollution levels, writes Kelly O’Shanassy