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Federal election


How you put our air, water and wildlife on the agenda


How do parties' environment policies compare? Explore our interactive scorecard


Our new government has a choice

A pollution and extinction crisis threatens the web of life. Our new government will make choices that will define our future for generations.

Will they listen to the big polluters who are destroying our reefs? Or will they choose clean energy and a world where our grandchildren can thrive? 

ACF calls on our new government to commit to a national plan for a clean energy transformation – let’s replace polluting coal with clean energy, and use energy wisely. 

We need strong new laws that properly protect the air we breathe, the water we drink and the places we love.

Some useful reading:

ACF National Agenda 2016
Our vision for a clean energy future
Get posters and shareables

You put our air, water and wildlife on the agenda this election

During the election, we grew community power that will go the distance. Incredible ACF volunteers across the country had thousands of conversations with the community on the phone, at doorsteps, at market stalls and on the street.

We delivered 56,860 of your pledges to election candidates so they know you want leaders who cut pollution, support clean energy and protect nature.

We rated the environmental policies of all political parties on an independent scorecard and shared it with over 1.9 million people.

And in the time between our first and last scorecard, the parties we rated announced 60 new policy commitments for the environment that improved their scores.

You can read the full story in pictures here.

What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make. ―Jane Goodall

Now take action

Here's how you can be informed and get involved in the 2016 election campaign for our environment.

ACF welcomes new Environment Minister

18 July 16

The Australian Conservation Foundation has welcomed Josh Frydenberg as the new Minister for Environment and Energy.

Take action

Federal election

How you put our air, water and wildlife on the agenda

Australians still waiting for climate leadership

11 July 16

Where the parties stand on climate, rivers, forests and wildlife

28 June 16

ACF releases final election scorecard.


Candidate pledge

Email your local candidates


Printable scorecard

15 June 16

Are Australians really prepared to let the Great Barrier Reef die?

14 June 16