Lodge a missing creature alert with your Member of Parliament


Swift parrots breed in the nesting hollows in big old trees in Tasmania, then fly north in winter. In search of nectar, they cross Bass Strait in small groups. When there’s lots of eucalyptus flowers, they congregate in huge colourful flocks – but in dry years they have to travel far and wide.

Habitat destruction means the fastest parrot in the world is on a rapid path to extinction.

Will you lodge a missing creature alert with your local Member of Parliament? Tell them we need strong national environment laws to protect the places and wildlife we love – and ask them to raise this with their party leader.

Fill out the webform with your name and why you care. We'll print your name and message on a special missing creature alert and post it to your local MP. If you prefer, you can print and post it yourself. 

Latest Supporters

Rebecca Nicholls
Rebecca 2018-06-12 17:36:37 +1000
Australia has the worst track record for the loss of native species, as I am sure you are aware. Yet governments of all hues cling to the policies and programs that have overseen this devastation. Clear-felling . . . who ever thought that this practice was compatible with respect for the environment and the creatures that live in it? In fact, it’s not even sustainable from a forestry perspective. So the few rich companies keep on demanding more and mor of OUR forests: forests that government is supposed to manage for all Australians and for future generations. With the loss of old growth forests we lose all those essential hollows that many native species must have for safety and in order to breed. The survivors of the logging process all end up on the ground where they are easy targets for the many feral predators we have also failed to control.
It’s not just the forestry industry that feels so entitled to the nation’s resources. We have the mining industry who want to blast the guts out of arable land for profit with not a thought to the long term damage to the landscape, water resources and the health of the animals, including the resident citizens, who rely on the natural resources they want to destroy. Not to mention the increases to the global warming problems that are an unavoidable outcome. Surely it’s time to stop this nonsensical policy that pretends that fossil fuel mining is good for Australians. It is not. I have three great grandchildren and I despair for their children’s future on an unlivable planet.
Forests are the main sources of carbon absorption and clearing them for short term profit is indefensible, especially those forests that are owned and controlled by governments. Nobody is entitled to the exclusive rights to benefit from publicly owned assets: they belong to all Australians. It is immoral to swap the loss of habitat for endangered species and the access of citizens to pristine and health promoting old growth forests for cash. The revenue is trivial and the numbers of jobs is illusory. The rate of destruction increases as the forested areas shrink. Does nobody in government see that, like all resources, the trees will run out altogether one day. You should be planning for the future with a high priority on real and sustainable jobs in environmentally supportive industries.
I have refrained from discussing other environmentally hazardous government policies as this would need a book. I merely mention a few: overt and covert support for massive coal mines in Queensland; stripping away protection for our sea animals by shredding their sanctuaries and breeding grounds thus opening the way for international factory ships to decimate our fisheries; the National Energy Guarantee that no credible organisation or individual believes will do anything to reduce polluting carbon; and the government’s unfailing inclination to believe discredited pseudo science and pseudo economics that favour the interests of party donors and the far right rump over their responsibilities to the people they are supposed to represent.
Finally, I will mention the government’s continued attacks on organisations that expose what’s really going on, especially OUR ABC and GetUp. Remember, in opposition, you will need them!
I urge you to join with all everyday, honest members of your party to strongly promote action to adopt policies that meet the needs of Australia’s environment and thereby assist in reducing the rate of extinction of our native animals.
Brian 2018-06-12 16:47:20 +1000
C 2018-06-12 10:01:36 +1000
all living creatures deserve a safe, clean place to live
doug 2018-06-12 04:01:34 +1000
What right do we have to destroy habitat s of creature s that were here long before us!!
Donna 2018-06-11 22:01:43 +1000
Dear Julie, please do what you can to move for strict environmental protection legislation or we may lose species such as our Swift Parrot. This would be a very sad reflection on the hisorical performance of this government ifcmoe species become extinct becausecof our stupidity and selfishness.

Regards, Alistair Primrose, Sandford.
Alistair 2018-06-11 18:12:43 +1000
Dear Sir,
it seems one species after another is now facing extinction in Australia because of insensitive developments and inadequate laws. The Swift Parrot is yet another we can sadly add to the list.
John 2018-06-11 17:54:29 +1000
No amount of SOS money or activity will make up for stripping of habitat. Just dumb.
Paul 2018-06-11 16:06:00 +1000
We need to look after our environment and all who share it. Our wildlife is unique and it would be criminal to allow it to become extinct. They have no voice in parliament, so it is up to our elected members to fight for them
Judith 2018-06-11 14:25:19 +1000
We cannot lose another species!
Rachel 2018-06-11 13:33:06 +1000
Ann 2018-06-11 12:19:43 +1000
Much more must be done to save all our native animals and birds
Catherine 2018-06-11 11:40:26 +1000
We need to recognize the rights of other creatures to exist and not destroy their habitat.
Hilary 2018-06-11 08:13:24 +1000
Anthea Butcher
Anthea 2018-06-10 21:05:35 +1000
We need strong national environment laws to protect the places and wildlife we love – please raise this with your party leader.
Liam 2018-06-10 19:23:55 +1000
Bruce William Thorsby
Bruce 2018-06-10 18:37:49 +1000
we need stronger environment laws.. it is obvious why… no environments for animals =no animals = no humans…
the study has been done ! and this will be the outcome..
tony 2018-06-10 17:46:54 +1000
Strong national environment laws R much needed to protect them n their environment 👊👊No more Habitat destruction👊👊pls save them 🙏🙏
Elena 2018-06-10 16:01:14 +1000
Please bring in the strongest Environmental Laws possible, we have an emergency on our hands, and the threatened extinction of species can’t be ignored any longer. ACT NOW. Protect them and their habitat.
Yo-merry 2018-06-10 13:40:15 +1000
You have a responsibility to all generations, not just this one
Theodore 2018-06-10 12:24:11 +1000
Dani 2018-06-10 09:35:20 +1000
We need strong national environment laws to protect the places and wildlife we love – Please raise this with your party leader
Line 2018-06-10 08:55:37 +1000
The rate of species extinction in Australia is frightening- we need strong environment protection laws to ensure the beauty and diversity of our natural habitat survives now and for the future. We are a first world country for goodness sake!
Claire 2018-06-10 08:44:56 +1000
Hanni Gennat
Hanni 2018-06-10 08:32:54 +1000
Dee Bourke
Dee 2018-06-10 06:04:35 +1000
STOP allowing these beautiful creatures to disappear.
STOP protecting greedy developers and ridiculous profits.
STOP and think that when these creatures have gone IT WILL BE FOREVER. This is very important to me and millions of Australians. Discuss this with your party leader and contribute to protective national environment legislation. Soon it will be too late and you will have been part of the destruction of these magnificent creatures. Take a stand, do the right thing, you have the power to do this.
Sharon 2018-06-09 20:42:19 +1000
I truly believe that one day it the not to distant future mankind will be struggling to survive and it won’t be in the movies it will be real life. Think today for our children’s, children’s future!
Paul 2018-06-09 20:36:42 +1000
Jayne Collins
Jayne 2018-06-09 20:19:06 +1000
we have wonderful and diverse animals some not found anywhere else in the world we need our animals plus animals give joy to humans and other animals alike especially if spotted in protected areas where they’re safe and are able to build up numbers.
k 2018-06-09 18:30:41 +1000
Please use your influence to preserve the beautiful Swift parrot. Lets not drive this wonderful bird to extinction.
Margaret 2018-06-09 18:10:59 +1000