
Great Artesian Basin Strategic Management Plan

14 November 18

Submission on the Great Artesian Strategic Management Plan; specifically focussed on the emerging threats facing the Great Artesian Basin from coal mining.


Underwriting New Generation Investments

14 November 18

Submission in response to the Commonwealth government's consultation paper: Underwriting New Generation Investments.


Conservation status and recovery actions for the Leadbeater’s Possum

28 September 18

Submission on the eligibility of Gymnobelideus leadbeateri (Leadbeater’s Possum) for inclusion on the EPBC Act threatened species list; and on the necessary conservation actions required to recover the species.


Australia’s faunal extinction crisis

25 September 18

Submission to the Environment and Communications References Committee inquiry into Australia’s faunal extinction crisis.


Review of the National Pollutant Inventory

06 September 18

Submission to the review of the National Pollutant Inventory


Review of the EPBC, agriculture and food production

09 August 18

Submission to the Review of the interaction between the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and agriculture and food production.


Great Barrier Reef 2050 Partnership Program

31 July 18

Submission to the Senate inquiry into the Great Barrier Reef 2050 Partnership Program


Submission to the Northern Galilee Water Scheme

13 July 18

Submission to the North Galilee Water Scheme Project EPBC Act referral.


National Energy Guarantee: Commonwealth Elements

10 July 18

Joint submission on the National Energy Guarantee: Commonwealth Elements.