
Australia vs the World: Australia’s Industry, inefficient and standing still

14 December 18

Australia’s industrial greenhouse emissions make up almost a third of Australia’s overall emissions.


Australia vs the World: Australia’s pollution profile & how to turn it around

04 December 18

Australia is far behind similar economies in terms of pollution per person and emission intensity of our economy.


The dirty truth: Australia's most polluted postcodes

16 November 18

Fast-tracking extinction: Australia's national environmental law

07 September 18

An area of threatened species habitat larger than the state of Tasmania has been destroyed in just 17 years.


ACF's 2018 National Agenda

07 September 18

The majority of Australians expect our government to lead with a plan to protect nature and stop climate damage. ACF’s National Agenda is this plan. It outlines ten actions a good government would take to create a better Australia, for everyone, and every living thing.


Repower Australia Plan

02 May 18

Australia's Extinction Crisis

06 March 18

National Energy Guarantee briefing

02 February 18

A critique of the NEG's likely impact on energy markets, coal generation closure, clean energy and power system security.


Un(EFIC)al Behaviour

30 November 17

The Australian Export Finance and Insurance Corporation’s potential involvement with the Carmichael coal mine and rail project.