Australia ignores red light on uranium exports to India

13 November 15

Carmichael coal mine: we want to stop it in its tracks

12 November 15

Moral duplicity behind India coal push

04 November 15

There is a naked disingenuousness to the arguments being put forward about expanding Australia’s coalmining sector to help lift Indians out of poverty, writes ACF President Geoff Cousins

Nuclear ambitions must put safety first

30 October 15

The government should pay heed to the findings of the JSCOT report and not be rushed by those with poor track records and overt atomic agendas, writes Dave Sweeney

Australia's policy on nuclear waste is all at sea

28 October 15

Government needs to get on board the energy transition

27 October 15

World leaders will soon gather in Paris in December for the UN Climate Change Conference. Meanwhile, in Australia, a live debate is underway that will dramatically alter Australia’s environmental and economic future, writes Matt Rose.

Let’s try to prevent a dinosaur economy

27 October 15

The Trudeau effect: has climate inaction become an election-losing strategy?

23 October 15