Government has backed a loser in coal

20 August 15

Cynically stripping away the rights of communities to defend a clean environment is not the type of behaviour we expect from the government, writes ACF President Geoff Cousins

Conservation leaders, lawyers say no to Abbott and Brandis' attempt to trash environment law

19 August 15

An attempt to strip communities of right to defend nature

18 August 15

Newspaper ad campaign urges Minister Hunt to reject Adani coal mine

13 August 15

Australia can do better than defeatist target

11 August 15

Federal Court revokes Adani mine approval: now Greg Hunt must reject the proposal

05 August 15

Obama’s clean energy plan puts Australia’s ‘direct action’ in the spotlight

05 August 15

The Abbott government's efforts basically give a free kick to the dirtiest polluters, writes ACF president Geoff Cousins


Our Great Dividing Range

04 August 15