Overnight export of nuclear waste through Sydney highlights need for proper management regime

29 July 18

The Federal Government has not solved the complex management issues with nuclear waste, merely bought some time.

Final Commonwealth design paper shows NEG still fails on climate change

25 July 18

The Turnbull Government will implement a woefully inadequate 26 per cent climate pollution cut from electricity generation by 2030.

Minister already has evidence to reject Toondah Harbour high-rise development and protect international wetlands

24 July 18

The Federal Environment Minister has ignored evidence of a significant threat to internationally protected wetlands, koalas and threatened bird species in his decision to progress the Toondah Harbour development proposal.

Adani has finance – what happens next?

20 July 18

Our elected representatives must stop Adani’s polluting coal mine as finance is reportedly secured

18 July 18

We will continue to organise against Adani’s dirty coal mine until it is stopped, and the Galilee Basin is closed for coal mining.


Submission to the Northern Galilee Water Scheme

13 July 18

Submission to the North Galilee Water Scheme Project EPBC Act referral.

ACF Community July webinar - View recording

12 July 18

Lifeblood Alliance statement: Transparency and the Murray-Darling Basin Plan

11 July 18

The health and resilience of the rivers, wetlands and lakes in the Basin continue to degrade under the current governance structures.