“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead
We live in a unique time in the history of our planet. Never before have we faced such a serious pollution and extinction crisis. And never before has it been more critical for people who care to stand up and stop the destruction.
Nature’s Champions are a small group of generous, committed and passionate people who make it possible for ACF to campaign for a world where:
Everyone shares abundant clean energy from the sun and wind. The idea of extinction is extinct and the planet and people we love thrive. We stand with Traditional Owners to care for country. Communities, business and government make decisions that value nature and we all act as custodians of the beautiful planet we call home.
Will you consider joining Nature's Champions and making a significant gift to create this bold and ambitious change?
For more information please email: [email protected] or call one of our philanthropy executives on 1800 223 669.
For more information please email: [email protected] or call one of our philanthropy executives on 1800 223 669.
Some 50 years ago, a handful of people formed the Australian Conservation Foundation when oil and mining first threatened the Great Barrier Reef.
Since then, our community has grown to half a million people who stand up for the places and wildlife we love – like the Kimberley, the Daintree, Fraser Island, Kakadu and the Franklin River.
Thanks to the dedicated support of generous donors, decade after decade, we champion big ideas for a better world. We hold decision makers to account. We find common ground with unlikely partners. We make this country a better place.
Together, we have:
Created the world’s largest marine park network. Helped win World Heritage listing for Tasmania’s ancient forests and our Great Barrier Reef. Seeded the ideas that became Landcare and the Clean Energy Finance Corporation. Stood with the Mirrar people to stop the Jabiluka uranium mine. Put water back into the rivers that nourish the Murray-Darling Basin. Kept our damaged climate on the agenda, even when decision makers try to ignore it
Today the stakes are even higher. Broken systems controlled by vested interests mean pollution and destruction threaten the whole web of life.
That’s why passionate, committed and generous people – Nature’s Champions – matter more than ever.
For more information please email: [email protected] or call one of our philanthropy executives on 1800 223 669.
We all want to keep enjoying life on the planet we call home – with abundant coral reefs, clean air and thriving communities. But by burning coal and gas, big polluting companies are damaging our climate and fuelling fire-storms, heatwaves, cyclones and floods. With too many of our elected representatives listening to the fossil fuel lobby instead of the people, Australia’s transition to 100% clean energy is much too slow.
To turn this around, our Nature’s Champions will enable ACF to:
Build powerful cross-sector alliances to replace Australia’s most polluting power stations with clean energy, while making sure there’s support for people who work in polluting industries to transition to jobs with a future.
Lead Australia’s nuclear-free movement to stop all new uranium mines and responsibly manage radioactive waste dumps and pollution.
Ramp up a collaborative national #Repower campaign to push for 100% clean energy in Australia by 2030, while cleaning up industry, transport and energy waste.
We humans are part of nature. A vibrant web of life sustains us all – moss, sugar gliders, people, coral, ants, wallabies and big old trees.
But right now, Australia’s living systems are in peril. We have no Planet B, yet humans are destroying our habitat by bulldozing forests, digging mines and polluting the air we breathe and the water we drink. With the web of life fracturing, plants and animals are vanishing like never before.
Unless we turn this around fast, we all face a dangerous and uncertain future.
Powered by Nature’s Champions, ACF will campaign to stop the destruction and nurture the habitat that nourishes us all by:
Leading a powerful alliance pushing for a new framework of national environment laws that make nature protection a non- negotiable rule
Building a network of community leaders, groups and allies who champion funding to protect, mend and restore critical habitat right across Australia
Increasing the areas of important habitat protected in our national reserve system
Reconnecting communities with habitat, while learning from Traditional Owners so we care for and value our living world for generations to come.
Imagine living in a country that values more than just what money can buy. A society where communities are active and empowered to make decisions for the common good, and where people work in meaningful jobs that are good for our communities and our future. An economy that puts people and our planet first.
Right now, our economic system values the wrong things. It focuses on short-term gain and endless economic growth, treating people and our planet as capital to be traded, extracted and exploited – and it is
damaging our world.
But this system is human-made, and with your support, together we can fix it by:
Collaborating with allies across civil society to disrupt the dominant story that environmental destruction is inevitable and expose the many ways our current economic rules are failing.
Creating a powerful movement of people demanding Australia redesign our economic rules with concepts of stewardship, equality and cooperation at their foundation, not only competition.
Pushing governments to implement best practice economic measures to better account for environmental impact – valuing reefs, people, forests, wildlife and oceans for more than what can be extracted from them.
Working with two iconic Australian businesses to rigorously evaluate their real environmental impact, make improvements and model best practice behaviour to catalyse wider change.
It’s time for champions – Nature’s Champions.
Our goal is to raise $6 million from a committed group of generous and passionate Australians like you. With your support, we will be able to run powerful campaigns that make a real difference – campaigns that get to the heart of the systems that are fuelling destruction in Australia.
For more information please email: [email protected] or call one of our philanthropy executives on 1800 223 669.