Lodge a missing creature alert with your Member of Parliament


Southern blue whales are truly enormous. Their hearts are the size of a small car and their heartbeats can be detected 3 kilometres away. They sing to each other in our vast oceans, where their whale songs are like low rippling earthquakes.

But they’re threatened by chemical and sound pollution, habitat loss, fishing, and climate change.

Will you lodge a missing creature alert with your local Member of Parliament? Tell them we need strong national environment laws to protect the places and wildlife we love – and ask them to raise this with their party leader.

Fill out the webform with your name and why you care. We'll print your name and message on a special missing creature alert and post it to your local MP. If you prefer, you can print and post it yourself.

Latest Supporters

Strong national environment laws are essential to protect our endangered wildlife for both our international reputation and for future generations of Australians.
Margaret 2018-06-06 19:50:32 +1000
Ann Enderby
Ann 2018-06-06 19:27:18 +1000
Hi. We need stronger environment laws that protect our precious creatures. Once they are gone they are gone and I do not want to be responsible for telling my children that we are to blame.
Julie 2018-06-06 19:26:26 +1000
Why on Earth are (most) humans so mindless and greedy and grasping – we tout how we are civilised and the smartest creatures on the planet – not so. Why do we let foreign multi-nationals into our country to own and produce from our lands – money – greasing the the hand that matters – the selfish acts of the people in positions to allow this, turning the blind eye so they can have more money is destroying our country and planet. the biodiversity of nature/wildlife is necessary and there for a reason. Why do the powers that be allow this to happen when the majority of the population rejects it. Why are we not practicing a democracy – not just saying we have one? Why is any other life disregarded and disrespected with zero conscience? MONEY. Pretty sad and sickening.
Please stand up and represent the other lives on this planet that are unable to defend themselves. Please be respectful to life – all kind
Ann 2018-06-06 19:24:01 +1000
John Swift
John 2018-06-06 19:15:36 +1000
Mary Ghadiri
Lili 2018-06-06 19:08:54 +1000
If you don’t stop the senseless slaughter of whales it will CHANGE the ecology of the planet irreparably !!!!!
Jane P 2018-06-06 18:57:06 +1000
We need laws to STOP companies destroying OUR precious country and all the animals that belong here. Every living creature that is native to OUR country has a part to play in OUR eco-system. Please listen to the need and be the change!
Julia 2018-06-06 18:48:47 +1000
I am 17 and can see our environment is diminishing before our very eyes. Please protect our seas and oceans keep them clean for all marine animals and corals including. The southern blue whales as they are endangered. If nothing is done then there will be nothing for future generations to see. Many creatures on this Earth are now reliant on humans as we have invaded the sea and pumped it full of chemicals leaving our beautiful creatures struggling to survive the next 100 years this needs to be a priority to help many animals for generations to come
Chantelle 2018-06-06 18:37:46 +1000
Please stand beside our environment – the world can live without us, but we can’t live without the world.
John 2018-06-06 18:23:41 +1000
Alison Midgley
Alison 2018-06-06 18:09:48 +1000
Please help to protect our southern blue whales. They are threatened by our gas and oil companies, as well as chemical pollution, climate change etc.
Please make a difference to protect these magnificent whales, and put in place strong environmental laws.
Barbara 2018-06-06 17:50:08 +1000
Your actions speak louder than words, do what is right not what makes money
Rom 2018-06-06 17:34:11 +1000
Carol 2018-06-06 17:23:46 +1000
Our environment is diminishing in providing safe and protected habitats for native birds, animals and sea life such as the wonderful Southern Blue Whales. Please support protection if all farmland areas which allow old growth stands of blue gums and 100 year old natural logs from these trees to support native parrots in our Wingecaribee and Wollondilli shires. Please lobby to protect and keep our seas and oceans safe and clean for whales and sea life
Colleen 2018-06-06 17:21:50 +1000
This needs to be a priority, to stop the extinction of this largest animal on Earth, so that our grand children can enjoy these magnificent animals.
Candida 2018-06-06 17:12:30 +1000
We need laws that will stop companies destroying the precious creatures habitats. Laws that will compel decision makers to make decisions that help, not harm, our living world. Laws that will give these creatures a voice.
Kate 2018-06-06 16:56:52 +1000
The environment is a life support- not only for humans but for all the creatures dependant on it. They depend on humans for their existence now – so please don’t play god with their lives. Give them a chance to continue existing on the planet.
Henrietta 2018-06-06 16:33:24 +1000
I am 10 years old. So what are oil and gas companies doing in a beautiful, unpolluted and undisturbed part of our marine waters??? Isn’t that such a dinosaur thing to do? These amazing creatures help to control acidification of our oceans, by their poo feeding plankton which then thrives and eats carbon dioxide – why would you want to harm them? They’re going to help us live a more comfortable life if we let them! So, turn off the sonars and seismic blasting, kick out the oil and gas companies and let nature take it’s rightful course.
Cath 2018-06-06 16:18:01 +1000
Dear Nicole
It is very worrying to think that such a magnificent animal is at risk of extinction. I ask you and your party to take pass strong environmental laws to ensure not only their protection but also that of so many other animals at risk . Thank you.
Beth Flenley
Beth 2018-06-06 16:12:09 +1000
Protect native Australians animals with stronger environmental laws
Martine 2018-06-06 16:00:49 +1000
Graeme Tychsen
Graeme 2018-06-06 15:50:35 +1000
We need stronger environmental laws to protect beautiful native Australian animals. Please make sure that our laws protect our native fauna and flora from endangerment, extinction, and destruction caused by greedy multi-national companies that we have allowed to come and rape all our natural resources!
Effie 2018-06-06 15:43:30 +1000
I have just found out that these Southern Blue Whales are endangered. But their habitat in the Southern Ocean is being threatened by chemical and sound pollution, fishing and climate change. And because of the seismic blasting by large oil and gas companies they have also been made deaf. We need these beautiful creatures in our seas and must do all we can to look after them. We need strong national environment laws to protect them. Please raise this issue with the Prime Minister.
Jackie 2018-06-06 15:38:16 +1000
Humans are clearly the most powerful species on earth. It is our responsibility t protect and ensure the survival of fellow creatures whose existence is now seriously threatened, mostly by environmental changes which are the result of human activities.
Please use your influence, as a representative elected by us, to protect the Southern Blue Whale,
Warren 2018-06-06 15:35:07 +1000
Please protect our precious oceans and it’s inhabitants – what are you going to leave for your descendants
Fiona 2018-06-06 15:35:00 +1000
The disregard for Animals, Marine life and our environmental ecosystem from the human species is disgusting and unacceptable. We claim to be intelligent and HUMANE.
What is humane about torturing animals and destroying their habitats?
What is intelligent about destroying our own Planet?
For the sake of our environment.
For the sake of our Planet.
For the sake of our species, please
put forward to your Party Leader that we NEED, STRONG, Environmental Laws to protect our wildlife and the places they live and breed.
For the sake of all life on this planet and off. We need to learn to coexist.
Teresa 2018-06-06 15:32:33 +1000
Tracee Miller
tracee 2018-06-06 15:32:29 +1000
Please protect this huge gentle majestic whale .Please be their voice and their hero and stop them from becoming extinct ?
d 2018-06-06 15:21:56 +1000
Animals and there habitat need to be protected. Energy policy needs to change to incorporate renewable sources, and animal agriculture should be gradually phased out. Forest regrowth in saved land and substantive protection of wildlife should be the policy direction of our leaders.
Geelong 2018-06-06 15:10:25 +1000