Lodge a missing creature alert with your Member of Parliament


Southern blue whales are truly enormous. Their hearts are the size of a small car and their heartbeats can be detected 3 kilometres away. They sing to each other in our vast oceans, where their whale songs are like low rippling earthquakes.

But they’re threatened by chemical and sound pollution, habitat loss, fishing, and climate change.

Will you lodge a missing creature alert with your local Member of Parliament? Tell them we need strong national environment laws to protect the places and wildlife we love – and ask them to raise this with their party leader.

Fill out the webform with your name and why you care. We'll print your name and message on a special missing creature alert and post it to your local MP. If you prefer, you can print and post it yourself.

Latest Supporters

It saddens me that my son might not be able to go whale watching and experiencing the majestic sight of a blue whale. Oil and gas companies are a threat and we need environmental laws that protect these creatures from extinction. Please listen to our voice.
Sara 2018-06-07 12:07:32 +1000
Once a animal becomes extinct, you can’t bring them back. We need to protect them and save them before it’s too late!
Erin 2018-06-07 11:18:18 +1000
Earth is our home – there is no other like it – and earth thrives upon the delicate balance of the natural world which we as a human species have interrupted with our civilisations. We need earth to be in balance to be healthy, so we can thrive too.
Caroline 2018-06-07 10:16:36 +1000
Dear Prime Minister
We have a responsibility to ourselves, our families, generations to come and our planet to preserve all living creatures. Please do not bring harm and endanger the species the Southern blue whale for the sake of money and business. Our marine life and wildlife are more precioua and necessary to our ecosystem than dollars.
Please consider the future of our planet.
Yours sincerely
Dianne Craig
Dianne 2018-06-07 10:09:35 +1000
I’m running out of creative juices here, but seriously if blue whales become extinct how much of an excruciatingly depressing thing will that be for the human race and you in particular knowing full well that you could have single handedly stopped it xoxo
William 2018-06-07 10:00:57 +1000
From the largest to the smallest creature- they all need our protection.
Make stronger environmental laws now
Diana 2018-06-07 09:40:59 +1000
The Southern Blue Whale is on the verge of extinction so please help to rectify this so that it does not become extinct and future generations miss out on his majestic presence.
Sue-Anne 2018-06-07 09:39:24 +1000
Go and watch them and then you will understand why I would like to retain this species on our plant.
Please act to conserve the Southern Blue whale and other species in the ecosystem
Paul 2018-06-07 09:18:06 +1000
Time this Government woke up and got some backbone to protect our precious whales in their own environment, the Japanese need to be stopped from continuing to slaughter them in the most barbaric way.
Rhonda 2018-06-07 08:48:20 +1000
We need stronger environmental laws because once they’re gone they’re gone
Michael 2018-06-07 08:48:17 +1000
To protect our flora and fauna for our younger generations and for the health of the world and everything that lives on its beautiful landscape.
Dee 2018-06-07 07:09:21 +1000
We need stronger environment laws because no amount of money is worth a living beings life.
Mia-Clare 2018-06-07 05:30:01 +1000
Australia appears to be doing a whole lot of Nothing when it comes to ensuring we don’t let Another of our creatures become extinct!
Kate 2018-06-06 23:56:12 +1000
2018-06-06 22:59:40 +1000
Sarah Howard
Sarah 2018-06-06 22:55:51 +1000
I am an animal lover who cares deeply about the fate of all animals, and don’t want any of our native fauna to go extinct.
John 2018-06-06 22:50:28 +1000
sidsel baker
Sidsel 2018-06-06 22:41:50 +1000
We can not continue to destroy forest, reef, water ways etc so a very small group of very wealthy people can get even more wealthy. Please protect the Australian environment and encourage them to work more sustainably.
Adam 2018-06-06 22:15:36 +1000
We can not continue to destroy forest, reef, water ways etc so a very small group of very wealthy people can get even more wealthy. Please protect the Australian environment and encourage them to work more sustainably.
Adam 2018-06-06 22:15:36 +1000
Jess 2018-06-06 22:06:17 +1000
Jennifer Rae
Jennifer 2018-06-06 21:19:35 +1000
We need whales in our oceans and on our australian coasts to help keep our oceans and reefs clear of sick or overpopulated fish and krill
Tara 2018-06-06 21:15:01 +1000
We need laws that will stop companies destroying precious creatures’ habitats. Laws that will compel decision makers to make decisions that help, not harm, our living world. Laws that will help start the recovery of the Environment. Laws that will give these creatures a voice!
Merv 2018-06-06 21:09:46 +1000
Lukas 2018-06-06 21:01:18 +1000
Bernie 2018-06-06 20:53:31 +1000
Flynn 2018-06-06 20:37:57 +1000
Please protect our wildlife, once it is gone it is gone forever.
Jeanne 2018-06-06 20:32:58 +1000
M 2018-06-06 20:30:13 +1000
Bruce Wild
Bruce 2018-06-06 20:12:01 +1000
Kane 2018-06-06 19:58:32 +1000