Lodge a missing creature alert with your Member of Parliament


Greater gliders are pretty extraordinary.

These peaceful possums live in leaf-lined hollows and spend their nights foraging high up in the forest canopies. They can glide 100 meters between trees!

But over decades, armies of bulldozers have charged through our forests, knocking down their homes. This must stop.

Will you lodge a missing creature alert with your local Member of Parliament? Tell them we need strong national environment laws to protect the places and wildlife we love – and ask them to raise this with their party leader.

Fill out the webform with your name and why you care. We'll print your name and message on a special missing creature alert and post it to your local MP. If you prefer, you can print and post it yourself. 

Latest Supporters

Michelle 2018-06-08 15:43:32 +1000
We need better laws to protect our endangered species from extinction.
Edward 2018-06-08 15:38:11 +1000
Our wildlife is unique and precious. What will future generations think of current governments if they choose to put economic and commercial interests ahead of our natural assets?
Peter 2018-06-08 15:34:56 +1000
Greater Gliders are pretty extraordinary! These peaceful possums live in leaf-lined hollows and spend their nights foraging high up in the forest canopies. They can glide 100 metres between trees!
But over decades, armies of bulldozers have charged through our forests, knocking down their homes. This must stop if we are to keep them from extinction in the wild for our future Generations.
We therefore ask you to Please put a stop to this unnecessary destruction of their unique habitat.
Dorann 2018-06-08 14:41:48 +1000
Too many of our native flora and fauna are endangered. Stop logging and land clearance NOW before we lose the rest of them. Please, enact strong protection laws.
Kim 2018-06-08 14:30:33 +1000
susan de pater
Sue 2018-06-08 13:53:01 +1000
The Greater Glider is one of many species being threatened by logging of our old forests. Not only is the logging of old forest less profitable than logging well tended plantations it is only common sense to understand the wanton waste of timber crushed in the recovery of suitable logs, the erosion caused, let alone the danger to those charged with timber getting as well as the destruction of habitat for our iconic species. Will you please speak up to protect our forests from logging. Timber should be farmed in a sustainable manner – not stolen from the old growth forests which are our remaining piece of heritage. I live in hope,
Yvonne Hutchinson
Yvonne 2018-06-08 13:02:01 +1000
Joan 2018-06-08 12:13:11 +1000
It’s a no-brainer, surely! Stop logging old growth forest!
Colin 2018-06-08 12:06:59 +1000
This area was named after the gliders by our first Australians and now they are loosing their habitat and have nowhere to live -there is no planet B!
Christine 2018-06-08 11:43:14 +1000
Catherine 2018-06-08 11:35:00 +1000
We need stronger environment laws to protect our Aussie creatures which are a privilege to see in nature.
Mikaela 2018-06-08 10:59:37 +1000
We need strong national environment laws to protect the places and wildlife we love – please to raise this with your party leader.
Michelle 2018-06-08 10:47:08 +1000
The Greater Glider deserves a future
Alannah 2018-06-08 09:57:17 +1000
We need stronger environmental laws to protect the Greater Glider & thousands of endangered creatures .Stop land clearing now .My family & native animals on their property have been affected by neighbours illegal clearing.Act now ,you have the power .
Ros 2018-06-08 07:38:17 +1000
We need stronger environment laws to stop habitat loss from logging and land clearing which impacts our native creatures so negatively they are vulnerable to extinction. Please help before it is too late.
Maree 2018-06-08 02:41:11 +1000
Would have loved to have seen one of these little ones but probably very little chance of that seeing as how few are left.
Marion 2018-06-07 23:22:15 +1000
Brenda 2018-06-07 22:37:10 +1000
Once these animals are gone – they’re lost forever. Now is the time to act before it’s too late.
Donna 2018-06-07 22:22:48 +1000
Brad 2018-06-07 21:50:59 +1000
We need stronger national environment laws to protect our fabulous wildlife and the forests necessary for their survival. Please raise the issue of protecting our land from logging and development with your party leader.
Jill 2018-06-07 21:39:04 +1000
Jeremy 2018-06-07 21:05:11 +1000
Karina Cornwall
Ki 2018-06-07 20:55:06 +1000
Ashlee 2018-06-07 20:46:36 +1000
Tristan 2018-06-07 20:30:46 +1000
Dear Minister,
Please do not let clearing and threats from development cause this incredible creature to be lost.
Dale 2018-06-07 20:05:11 +1000
Sharyn 2018-06-07 20:02:00 +1000
This incredible creature is priceless. Why isn’t it being protected by government? I’m disgusted with today’s politicians who have lost touch with the natural world and it’s intrinsic value. Habitats and species are NOT ECONOMIC RESOURCES! Wake up Australia!
Honour 2018-06-07 19:55:55 +1000
Dear Minister,
Australia is a wonderful place largely because of its extraordinary natural environment. I am extremely concerned about habitat destruction in Australia. Please push your party leader for stronger national environment laws to protect the places and wildlife we love.
Marie 2018-06-07 19:55:51 +1000
We need strong national environment laws to protect the places and wildlife we love – please to raise this with your party leader.
Angye M 2018-06-07 19:38:26 +1000