Lodge a missing creature alert with your Member of Parliament


Greater gliders are pretty extraordinary.

These peaceful possums live in leaf-lined hollows and spend their nights foraging high up in the forest canopies. They can glide 100 meters between trees!

But over decades, armies of bulldozers have charged through our forests, knocking down their homes. This must stop.

Will you lodge a missing creature alert with your local Member of Parliament? Tell them we need strong national environment laws to protect the places and wildlife we love – and ask them to raise this with their party leader.

Fill out the webform with your name and why you care. We'll print your name and message on a special missing creature alert and post it to your local MP. If you prefer, you can print and post it yourself. 

Latest Supporters

Along with the Greater Glider there are so many native animals we have not and may never see in the wild or even in captivity. Development could be a good word meaning progress and positivity but these days it’s a dirty word leaving a trail of destruction and unintended culling of our native fauna and flora. Development for the humans if Australia shouldn’t mean destruction on what is naturally here. We do not consider the ramifications enough when we do small things like widen a road, shrinking and removing green corridors in developed areas resulting in more road kill, disastrous for not only the fauna but people too, cut off animals from their habitats and not allowing them to move about and eventually diminishing their populations. We can’t exist with our concrete. We, educated humans with a conscience and responsibility to be moral and ethical, are not making our decisions considering the future. It’s always now now now. Dig a hole, remove resources and hope there’s more for later, dump rubbish here and assume we’ll never need the land on top for anything, remove vegetation and not think it was holding the soil together.
You need to do less and think more.
Thank you.
M Stanton
Miy 2018-06-19 13:11:38 +1000
Sarah 2018-06-19 13:02:51 +1000
If you don’t protect our wildlife, who will.
Zara 2018-06-19 12:41:25 +1000
The earth is not yours to ruin and take, humans along with the rest of the creatures need our environment to survive so stop killing everything , money can’t be eaten
Brielle 2018-06-19 10:56:37 +1000
Loss of old growth forest will mean extinction for this and many other species. Extinction is for ever.
Martin 2018-06-19 00:35:55 +1000
I am writing to raise your awareness of the need for stronger environment laws to protect our forests and so many precious critically endangered species. The Greater Glider along with many other species such as the Southern Corroboree Frog , Swift Parrot, Leadbeater’s possum and Helmeted Honeyeaters, and 41 other critically endangered species are rapidly declining in numbers due to habitat loss from extensive logging.

Despite the fact that Australia is one of the most beautiful and biodiverse countries in the world, we’ve become the only developed country with a major deforestation front, with over one million hectares of old growth Bush land disappearing in the last three years. We are Number 2 in the world for killing off our native wildlife and plants!! It is embarrassing and such a disappointment! Once these precious forests and species are lost there is no turning back. Gone is gone!

We need these ancient, historical and truly beautiful forests not only to protect the homes of over 40 critically endangered species but for clean air so that we don’t have polluted cities and suburbs. Old growth forests ensure that we have clean waterways, help to build resilient soils, pollinate food crops, control pests and diseases and provide enchanted, majestic areas for recreation!

Please do everything you can in your power to cease logging in old growth forests and create new environmental laws that will protect our precious forests forever! These decisions will deeply influence my votes next election!
Rebecca 2018-06-18 22:16:31 +1000
We are so lucky to have such unique wildlife in Australia. Unfortunately due to lack of strong environmental laws so many of them are already extinct and so may are heading that way. Why do we allow the destruction of their homes? Why do allow this mass clearing of the forests and woodlands? This is their home, and a place that as humans can go and enjoy the peace and beauty of nature. Please do all you can to stop land clearing.
Jackie 2018-06-17 09:21:16 +1000
Leola 2018-06-16 16:28:33 +1000
shelagh 2018-06-16 13:30:05 +1000
Please put in place stronger national environment laws to protect the places and wildlife us Australians love.

Please raise this issue with your party leader.

Something needs to be done before many Australian animals become extinct.
Katherine 2018-06-15 15:22:19 +1000
We need to stop the destruction of their home, you wouldn’t stand for this with humans for what stand for it will animals?
Victoria 2018-06-15 14:20:56 +1000
Australia is a very inique, and fragile environment which has continued to have a lot of very unique animals species which cannot be found anywhere else in the world. To protect these species is paramount to our environment, but also plays a part in our economy with tourism being built on the uniqueness of our animals. Good and clear environmental laws are needed to protect the animals on our unique and important continent.
Rosalind 2018-06-15 13:38:17 +1000
Stop logging the greater gliders home NOW
Malcolm 2018-06-15 11:37:16 +1000
We need stronger environment laws to keep Australia Australian – save our unique wildlife and habitat.
Marie-Louise 2018-06-15 09:55:52 +1000
keri james
Keri 2018-06-15 09:46:30 +1000
Karen 2018-06-15 07:40:16 +1000
I am 17 years of age, and I plan to travel and see the world when I graduate high school. I fear that we are losing our environment at such a rapid rate that I will not be able to experience our native flora and fauna when I travel around Australia.
This rapid loss is devastating, and it is up to the people of Australia to voice a need for change, but it is up to our government to listen. Please, on behalf of the young people who are yet to see the beauty our country has to offer, hear us now before it is too late.
sam 2018-06-14 11:20:01 +1000
Saving our forests and woodlands is imperative for a healthy countryside and the consequent ability to supply us with food. the Greater Glider eats thousands of harmful insects and avoids the need for harmfull pesticides. We must act to save it.
Jenny 2018-06-14 10:39:21 +1000
The status of the Greater Glider is vulnerable due to extensive habitat loss.
We need strong environment laws to protect the greater glider and all other endangered species, so that they are not lost forever.
Christine 2018-06-14 05:43:46 +1000
Tom 2018-06-13 21:54:26 +1000
Pat 2018-06-13 21:04:48 +1000
The Greater Glider would have to be one of the cutest animals in Australia. Wouldn’t it be absolutely deplorable if the only Greater Glider our grandchildren ever saw was a stuffed display in a museum or as pictures in magazines, books or in film media? These animals deserve the best possible environmental protection available no matter what the cost. Once it’s gone, it will never come back.
Suzanne 2018-06-13 20:11:58 +1000
We need stronger envornment laws
Bronwen 2018-06-13 17:24:47 +1000
Gerrit Hendrik Pearson
[email protected] 2018-06-13 06:23:29 +1000
We need to act now to stop environmental degradation and further species extinction!
Lisa 2018-06-12 18:29:39 +1000
Tony 2018-06-12 17:53:32 +1000
Lea A Brockhurst
Lea 2018-06-12 17:43:56 +1000
Rebecca Nicholls
Rebecca 2018-06-12 17:37:40 +1000
Fiona 2018-06-12 17:05:52 +1000
We need to think about our actions and the impact on our environment .
Logging has a impact on so many defenceless animals .
Let’s think about the planet and all the animals we are destroying and STOP now !
We can all do better .
Cathy 2018-06-12 14:17:45 +1000