1,280 people
720 needed to reach 2,000

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In the next few weeks, the Turnbull government could hand over $1 billion of public money to prop up Adani’s giant polluting megamine.

ACF supporter Sharon France thinks this is an outrageous use of public money, so she's come up with the Australian People's Bank of Better Ideas.

Sharon recalls, "I literally woke up one morning thinking, 'If everyone could spend $1 billion on something beneficial, what would they fund? Certainly not a loan to a billionaire for a coal mine.'"

We’re helping Sharon gather ideas for better ways to use $1 billion of public money.

When all your ideas are in, Sharon will send a report highlighting the most popular and creative suggestions to our Prime Minister.

Australians don't want their public money used to prop up Adani's giant coalmine. Our elected representatives have the choice to invest in public good, not private greed.

So what are your ideas for better ways to use $1 billion of public funds? 

To get more involved in Sharon's creative action, download the Better Ideas for a Billion Dollars action pack or visit her blog post to learn more.

Latest Supporters

The list of better ways to spend the proposed billion dollars is almost literally infinite. But the only sure fire way to prevent it being spent is by massive peaceful nonviolent direct action.That is how we helped bring Australia’s involvement in the American invasion of Vietnam to an end. That is how we saved the Franklin River. That is how we brought industrial logging for wood chips to an end.. And coal induced global warming and its consequential catastrophic climate change is infinitely more urgent than any or all of those important as they were.
Jack 2017-05-20 18:58:06 +1000
You need to ask the Australian public for permission!!! YOU DO NOT HAVE MY PERMISSION.
Wendy 2017-05-20 18:54:54 +1000
Better use money to help farmers that are struggling
Marijana 2017-05-20 18:38:58 +1000
Chris 2017-05-20 18:33:04 +1000
Terrie Ridgway
A class action against our govt for destroying all our futures. For criminal irresponsibility toward the environment that contributes substantially to the destruction of our planets ability to support life as we know it.
Terrie 2017-05-20 18:24:08 +1000
Fund remote area nursing safety !!!!!!
Patricia 2017-05-20 18:22:26 +1000
Jan 2017-05-20 18:19:51 +1000
More subsidised renewable energy schemes, more eco-friendly public housing.
Jenny 2017-05-20 18:19:08 +1000
Use the money to support public schools
Alistair 2017-05-20 18:17:38 +1000
Creating public transport infrastructure.
Elaine 2017-05-20 18:17:04 +1000
Public affordable housing
Increase welfare payments
Juliana 2017-05-20 18:13:47 +1000
Use the money for infrastructure upgrade – specifically train systems
Louise 2017-05-20 17:42:54 +1000
Would go a long way to creating alternative jobs for mining workers that would be sustainable into the future!
Sharon 2017-05-20 17:31:26 +1000
Protecting endangered species, clearing oceans of rubbish. Transition away from plastic bags. Creating sustainable industries. Solar power initiatives. Research into alternative fuels. Funding towards universities.
Sarah 2017-05-20 17:27:03 +1000
1 billion dollars would be much better spent on advancing renewable energy to save our future on this planet. Also education spending needs to be increased as education is the key to keeping ahead in the future. Really, the money should be spent on anything rather than Adani (or politicians’ perks or multinationals in general). The Australian people are fed up with the way the government ignores our pleas for common sense.
Meike Kuhne
Meike 2017-05-20 17:26:55 +1000
A new start for our education system, more options, more open mindedness, whatever it takes to make us better people!
Jennifer 2017-05-20 17:26:55 +1000
We could use this money for pensioners, public housing, public schools come on Turnbull do the right thing for the public!!
Deborah-Rose 2017-05-20 17:19:36 +1000
Renewable supply more jobs than fossil fuels so investing in renewable power is a far better option for $1 billion of tax payer dollars
Lynn 2017-05-20 17:10:37 +1000
Increase elderly payments instead of cutting them 😡
Paula 2017-05-20 17:00:43 +1000
The homeless here need that money, not some rich mining company.
Helen 2017-05-20 16:49:24 +1000
Dear Mr Turnbull,
You have no mandate from the electorate to support Adani and his coal mine. It is OUR money.
PLEASE put those dollars to funding more research and development of renewable energy. That will make us a world leader in innovation, and mitigation of Climate Change. Our grandchildren and future generations will thank us especially if we limit Global Warming to less than 2 degrees. It is urgent that we address this NOW before it’s too late. If we do not, the consequences will be disastrous and results could destroy life in the world as we know it. Protect our forests please: they are the lungs of the world.
Yours sincerely,
Lois Whiteoak
Lois 2017-05-20 16:36:15 +1000
Put it towards sustainability projects.
Christine 2017-05-20 16:35:53 +1000
Schools, roads, hospitals, education, farmers, pensions, cruise ship terminal Gold Coast. Hell, paddle pops for kids. ANYTHING is better than Adani
Pat 2017-05-20 16:25:39 +1000
Hospital and dental health, education, childcare, carers’ financial help, etc.
dorothee 2017-05-20 16:22:32 +1000
Improved health care for all. Public housing for the homeless. Free tertiary education.
Maria 2017-05-20 16:20:33 +1000
Renewables,education, health, homeless, women’s refuges, veterans, first home buyers the list goes on.
Eileen 2017-05-20 16:04:48 +1000
Investment in renewable energy
Lorraine 2017-05-20 16:02:42 +1000
Funding renewable energy.
Jan 2017-05-20 15:50:25 +1000
Put $1 billion dollars into restoring the reef back to full health. It will return that investment in 20 years.
L 2017-05-20 15:48:01 +1000
Sophie 2017-05-20 15:31:11 +1000