Burning coal and gas fuels climate destruction, making Australia’s fire seasons start earlier and last longer – and putting the people and places we love in more danger with less time to prepare.
These disasters will only get worse until we rapidly cut climate pollution. The Australian Government must do more to protect people, not polluters.
While communities and koala populations battle unnatural blazes this summer, our government has just approved four new coal mine expansions!
Since the 2019/20 Black Summer bushfires, our governments have handed over $50 billion in public money to support the fossil fuel industry. Dirty coal and gas polluters make mega profits while everyday Australians pick up the bill from climate disasters – from lives lost to holidays cancelled to spiralling insurance, grocery and energy bill costs.
Sign the petition now to demand our government stop the climate wreckers.
Petition demands
"To the Prime Minister, Energy Minister, Environment Minister and Treasurer:
End coal and gas in Australia to ramp up climate action. That means:
- This decade, replacing existing coal, gas and uranium exports with a renewable-powered exports industry and climate-positive careers for communities
- No new coal and gas projects or infrastructure
- Stop spending public money on the fossil fuel industry – fund climate solutions instead."
Latest Supporters
Stop the climate wreckers!
I want Australia to stop using coal and gas and help protect our mother earth.
Communities and future need protecting before its to late to do anything.
Stop spending public money on supporting fossil fuel polluters and fund renewable energy initiatives instead.
Please becime as educated as po ssible about the effect of coal andI gas miningand operations IN THE LONG term.
I know it’s tempting to receive financial incentive from mining giants in the short term, but we are signing away our planet for one generarion’s short term gratification.
The earth is our one home for all creatures – let’s start caring.
We need to end fossil fuel power.
I want Australia to finish with coal and gas because it’s obviously the sane thing to do.
Waiting for a New Year to begin
Change! Stop the Climate Wreckers!
We must take action to slow climate change, no more public money or government support for the fossil fuel industry.
I believe Australia can lead the way with ending the use of fossil fuels, and replacing them with cleaner, better technology. Can’t we show the world how to do this? We have the capability to do so, and the will of the people to make it happen … so let’s get going!
Please leave coal and gas in the ground (as promised before the last election) and fund renewables. Please burn off the fuel load in our forests using indigenous methods that work and kept this country healthy for thousands of years. This planet is our only home. Please help save it for our children and their children, and theirs. Do something good to be remembered by.
The environment needs to be protected and there must be a limit on human consumption or else we will have a bare country with no nature
My intention is that we stop using fossil fuels asap to ‘do our bit’ to address the climate crisis.
I want Australia to become renewable because it will be the best thing for our economy since sheep.