32,215 people
17,785 needed to reach 50,000

Add your name to the petition

Burning coal and gas fuels climate destruction, making Australia’s fire seasons start earlier and last longer – and putting the people and places we love in more danger with less time to prepare.

These disasters will only get worse until we rapidly cut climate pollution. The Australian Government must do more to protect people, not polluters.

While communities and koala populations battle unnatural blazes this summer, our government has just approved four new coal mine expansions!

Since the 2019/20 Black Summer bushfires, our governments have handed over $50 billion in public money to support the fossil fuel industry. Dirty coal and gas polluters make mega profits while everyday Australians pick up the bill from climate disasters – from lives lost to holidays cancelled to spiralling insurance, grocery and energy bill costs.

Sign the petition now to demand our government stop the climate wreckers.

Petition demands

"To the Prime Minister, Energy Minister, Environment Minister and Treasurer:

End coal and gas in Australia to ramp up climate action. That means:

  • This decade, replacing existing coal, gas and uranium exports with a renewable-powered exports industry and climate-positive careers for communities
  • No new coal and gas projects or infrastructure
  • Stop spending public money on the fossil fuel industry – fund climate solutions instead."

Latest Supporters

I want Australia to end coal and gas because I want my grandchildren and all the others of future generations to have a world that is worth living in.
Shivanii 2025-01-06 02:32:39 +1100
Beverleyhi7 2025-01-06 02:04:09 +1100
Christine 2025-01-06 01:37:47 +1100
We know how the story ends if we continue with coal and gas. And we also know that a more optimistic future will come from switching to renewable. So it’s a no brainer, yeah?
Paula 2025-01-06 01:23:36 +1100
Renewable energy is the future as coal and gas are fuelling the climate destruction in Australia.
Caroline 2025-01-06 00:30:59 +1100
The government needs to practice due diligence and use their positions of power to do something to address global warming. That’s what the labor party promised Australians at the election- the LNP lost seats because they’re stance was to do nothing.
AUSTRALIA needs good people to government this country who care about mitigating global warming not flakey corrupt career politican
Katrina 2025-01-06 00:20:25 +1100
Kirsty 2025-01-05 23:47:17 +1100
Patricia 2025-01-05 23:25:32 +1100
It is damaging the environment in a big way
Roger 2025-01-05 23:12:19 +1100
Julie 2025-01-05 22:55:43 +1100
Bob 2025-01-05 22:46:29 +1100
We must stop using fossil fuels, they are cooking our planet.
Gordon 2025-01-05 22:34:14 +1100
Danielle 2025-01-05 22:26:18 +1100
It’s time we stopped supporting coal and gas developments!! How long does it take of catastrophe after catastrophe for government to take this seriously?
Henrietta 2025-01-05 22:17:43 +1100
I want Australia to stop burning gas and coal so there is a living world for the children and wildlife in the future.
Dianne 2025-01-05 21:52:46 +1100
TerryTerry 2025-01-05 21:32:07 +1100
I want my grandchildren to have a livable earth such as we have had.
Valda 2025-01-05 21:28:47 +1100
Anne 2025-01-05 21:20:31 +1100
John 2025-01-05 21:19:21 +1100
I want Australia to end coal mining and gas exploration and production because the emissions from these industries are accumulating in our atmosphere at an exponential rate – causing global warming!
Teresa 2025-01-05 21:15:20 +1100
For my grandchildren
Shirley 2025-01-05 21:13:21 +1100
Belinda 2025-01-05 20:49:41 +1100
Charlotte 2025-01-05 20:48:38 +1100
Vivi 2025-01-05 20:43:21 +1100
Ending coal and gas just might give our children a future
Anne 2025-01-05 20:16:39 +1100
We are an international shame job
Cathy 2025-01-05 20:15:56 +1100
Climate change is real. Act NOW We just HAVE TO reduce our standard of living Slso change yo renewable energy sources that have been proven in other countries.
Jay 2025-01-05 20:02:51 +1100
Please stop oil and gas pollution to cut climate pollution. We could lead the way globally in the use of renewable energy.
Mary 2025-01-05 19:59:44 +1100
Patricia 2025-01-05 19:33:31 +1100
I have seen first hand the consequences of our changing climate on native animals and the bush fires that have killed dear friends.

We have to reduce our carbon emissions for all living creatures including ours. We are also reliant on overall global health like any other species.
Anouk 2025-01-05 19:25:16 +1100