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Woodside is among Australia’s largest polluting gas companies. Its plans to build the Scarborough Gas Project and Pluto extension would generate emissions over its lifetime equal to ten years of running all of the country’s coal-fired power stations combined!

No matter where it is burnt, the gas Woodside digs up is fuelling climate damage and destroying Australia’s precious places like the Great Barrier and Ningaloo Reefs, compromising the wishes of Traditional Owners and putting people’s health at risk.

How do they get away with it? Woodside, and other big polluters, are sponsoring and exploiting our favourite sports to buy a positive reputation. 

When Woodside plasters its logo across the purple hearts of Fremantle Dockers players, it’s paying for the connection and loyalty we feel for sports, and marketing themselves as a community-oriented brand – all so that Woodside can keep polluting.

We need to stop Woodside from using sports sponsorships to wash away their dirty image. That’s why, we're calling on people, no matter what footy jumper you wear or if you don’t support any team, to sign this petition:

Our teams are not for sale. We urge the Board of Fremantle FC to immediately end its sponsorship deal with Woodside Energy to protect the people, places, and game we love.

We will be delivering the voice of the community and your messages to the board of the Fremantle Dockers Football Club. Sign now and share!

Photo: David Sickerdick

Latest Supporters

Boot them out!
Marc 2022-11-28 17:16:17 +1100
Short Term Corporate greed is no solution to global warming!
Murray 2022-11-28 17:15:45 +1100
Please do not help fossil fuel companies with their promotions, by accepting their support. Think of the future, not only for yourselves, but, for your families and hopefully, generations to come.
We have all been through, together with the rest of the world, fast changing climate changes, i.e. floods, droughts, fires, rising sea levels, etc.
We need to stand together to say: time to change to renewable energy sources, e.g. wind and solar.
Thank you.
Judy 2022-11-28 17:15:39 +1100
Elizabeth 2022-11-28 17:15:39 +1100
Jenny 2022-11-28 17:15:36 +1100
Robert 2022-11-28 17:15:32 +1100
Also need to remove Santos from the Wallabies jerseys as well. Also NSW Rugby and Qld Rugby need to do the same. Santos has major naming rights – disgusting
Rosalind 2022-11-28 17:15:19 +1100
Andrew 2022-11-28 17:15:17 +1100
Roslyn 2022-11-28 17:15:16 +1100
Cathrine 2022-11-28 17:15:16 +1100
William 2022-11-28 17:15:14 +1100
Michelle 2022-11-28 17:15:14 +1100
I D 2022-11-28 17:15:04 +1100
Please no more new gas companies! We have to move on to clean energy.
Sue 2022-11-28 17:14:34 +1100
Gillian 2022-11-28 17:14:11 +1100
It would be appreciated if your club stood up for a sponsorship that recognised the problems of coal use and showed a responsible attitude to the communities values. This would give the club positive rather than a negative public relations.
Alan 2022-11-28 17:14:08 +1100
Ian 2022-11-28 17:14:08 +1100
Deanne 2022-11-28 17:14:04 +1100
David 2022-11-28 17:14:02 +1100
Barbara 2022-11-28 17:13:59 +1100
David 2022-11-28 17:13:51 +1100
Nerida 2022-11-28 17:13:46 +1100
Christopher 2022-11-28 17:13:43 +1100
John 2022-11-28 17:13:41 +1100
Henry 2022-11-28 17:13:37 +1100
Get rid of them, there are better sponsors out there just look harder.
Robert 2022-11-28 17:13:18 +1100
yes please
peter 2022-11-28 17:13:15 +1100
This is an emergency. We must stop using fossil fuels as quickly as possible.
Elizabeth 2022-11-28 17:13:01 +1100
Janessa 2022-11-28 17:12:53 +1100
Angela 2022-11-28 17:12:45 +1100