Make a comment & help clean up Australia's vehicle pollution

Your comment will be included in an ACF community submission to the Australian goverment.

Transport is Australia's second biggest source of climate pollution, and most of it’s coming from the exhausts of our cars, utes and trucks.

But we can put our vehicle emissions in reverse! Strong fuel efficiency standards now would make cleaner vehicles more available and affordable to more people in Australia and hit the accelerator on taking CO2 off our roads.

Right now the Australian government is asking us in the community for our input on these standards. It's critical that we lend our voices now to make the standards strong enough to clean up our dangerous vehicle pollution.

Make a comment now for strong fuel efficiency standards to be included in an ACF community submission to the Australian government before the Friday 31 May deadline.

What to include in your comment

In your submission, you can mention that you want the standards to:

  1. Take effect as soon as possible: Have the standards come into effect as soon as possible, which will be mid-2024, so that we reduce transport emissions from light vehicles now.
  2. Be tough on pollution: Require all new cars sold in Australia to have zero emissions from 2035, which is in line with limiting global heating to a 1.5-degree rise.
  3. Insure affordability: Ensure that by 2035 all new cars sold in Australia have zero emissions, creating a second-hand market for low-emissions vehicles sooner.
  4. Be mandatory and rigorous: Legislate the standards, make them mandatory for all manufacturers, and don’t allow accounting tricks like super credits, offsets etc. that stop the genuine reduction of CO2 emissions.

Read more: 'What are fuel efficiency standards?'

Latest Supporters

Ban import of big cars and Utes. Take trucks off the roads by building electric rail transport throughout Australia.
Make light and heavy machinery more fuel efficient and electric where possible.
Make EV more affordable and lower taxes on EV. Hybrid cars are not the answer as they operate mostly on engine especially when the battery is weak or dead.
Guy 2024-10-08 10:10:48 +1100
Encourage us to Purchase Electric Vehicles and the development of sustainable Fuels like Sir Richard Branson and Twiggy Forrest are developing – including for Commercial Vehicles and especially Agricultural and Transport/Delvery Trucks and Vans, Buses, Trains etc etc
Encourage the Whole World at any Conference as well.


Janet Colman
Janet 2023-12-10 15:51:04 +1100
Invest in public transport and better cargo infrastructure! 🌍
Theo 2023-11-25 00:43:50 +1100
I want strong fuel efficiency standards. The need to Take effect as soon as possible: Have the standards come into effect as soon as possible, which will be mid-2024, so that we reduce transport emissions from light vehicles now. Be tough on pollution: Require all new cars sold in Australia to have zero emissions from 2035, which is in line with limiting global heating to a 1.5-degree rise. Insure affordability: Ensure that by 2035 all new cars sold in Australia have zero emissions, creating a second-hand market for low-emissions vehicles sooner. Be mandatory and rigorous: Legislate the standards, make them mandatory for all manufacturers, and don’t allow accounting tricks like super credits, offsets etc. that stop the genuine reduction of CO2 emissions.

Please do this for my health, the health of my community and for nature.
Regards, Helen Lynes
3/106 Williams St, Gooseberry Hill
Please reply
Helen 2023-08-07 19:32:54 +1000
We need stronger protections for clean air, clean water and to protect nature from climate change and increased natural disasters
Rachel 2023-07-30 14:16:12 +1000
Regional areas are serviced by road and rail freight. More trucks on the road because rail is inefficient. How about we fix the rail system for freight and get the city folk to drive electric cars if our public transport is not viable. Without infrastructure to charge electric cars hybrid cars are the only option for the regions. Most of these will not last the twenty years on our roads to become carbon neutral. Sounds to me that your policies are all about making it harder for the rural communities to enjoy an already lower standard of services than our city dwellers even though we pay for all of your luxuries. Public transport you don’t want to use due to what? Inconvenient! Bridges, tunnels, freeways and we get the Bruce highway to deliver your food and goods. This topic is another dividing wedge that your narrow minded policies are going to force on us extra hardships. Wake up and take your heads out of the sand and start listening to the majority of conversation. There is a much fairer for all option out there than what you propose.
Darryl 2023-07-04 18:05:23 +1000
We have, as a country, committed ourselves to reducing green house gasses. Please introduce efficiency standards for new vehicles. This will go a long way to help achieve our goals.
Jeffrey 2023-06-25 09:49:45 +1000
How come most of the rest of the civilised world can achieve this common sense goal but not us. Common Labor, we can do it.
Carolyn 2023-06-22 16:39:41 +1000
When are you going to include the emissions to make the various parts of electric vehicles to show the true emissions being created?
Brent 2023-06-17 11:25:49 +1000
I was on a federal government transport emissions committee about 10 years ago. At that time the local car manufacturers did not want fuel efficiency and lower emission standards as only their large sized vehicles were profitable to make. The local oil refiners did not want to have to make low Sulphur fuels as they would have to upgrade their refineries. So changing international circumstances now mean that we import fuel efficient (and other vehicles) that can use low emission fuel. Do we still have to downgrade them to meet ancient Australian fuel standards ? Let us set fuel efficiency standards and reduce emissions of CO2 and NOx. The health and environment advantages are great. Non-fossil fuel vehicles are the ultimate aim, but how do we progress there ? there have to be intermediate steps.
Peter 2023-06-15 18:47:03 +1000
We need to be tough on pollution, while keeping road transport affordable for disabled people & low income families.

We need the standards to come into effect as soon as possible (in 2024), so that we start to reduce transport emissions from light vehicles now.

We should aim for all new cars sold in Australia to have zero emissions within 10-12 years, which is in line with limiting global heating to a 1.5-degree rise.

We need to ensure that no credits or offsets are allowed to bend the new standards, as we need genuine reduction of CO2 emissions.
Ren 2023-06-13 13:36:28 +1000
Strong fuel efficiency standards should:
Take effect as soon as possible: Have the standards come into effect as soon as possible, which will be mid-2024, so that we reduce transport emissions from light vehicles now.
Be tough on pollution: Require all new cars sold in Australia to have zero emissions from 2035, which is in line with limiting global heating to a 1.5-degree rise.
Insure affordability: Ensure that by 2035 all new cars sold in Australia have zero emissions, creating a second-hand market for low-emissions vehicles sooner.
Be mandatory and rigorous: Legislate the standards, make them mandatory for all manufacturers, and don’t allow accounting tricks like super credits, offsets etc. that stop the genuine reduction of CO2 emissions.
Lucas 2023-06-12 20:02:20 +1000
How do you control aeroplane emmisions ?
Larry 2023-06-11 19:26:48 +1000
Probably the Government should taking steps to increase tax to private vehicles especially every individual who has more than one vehicle in the house to support public using public transport more and Government should add more the numbers of public transport to reduce pollution.
And increase tax to tobacco and vape too to reduce pollution in public environment everywhere.
July 2023-06-09 21:42:39 +1000
Legislation for cheaper prices + access to locally manufactured or second hand electric or hydrogen vehicles is essential to transform.our current fuel based car market
Esperance 2023-06-09 00:05:36 +1000
Clean air is important all round. I am shocked that Australia is not covered for clean air.
Anna 2023-06-08 23:07:55 +1000
Mandatory and rigorous fuel efficiency standards must come into effect as soon as possible to abide by our national commitment to reduce CO2 emissions, and crucially, avoid dangerous global heating.
Eri 2023-06-06 20:19:23 +1000
I feel desperately that we have to reduce carbon emissions if our children and descendants are to survive and thrive on our earth-home. I beg the government to take stronger measures to reduce carbon emissions from transport and put stronger fuel efficiency standards in place.
Christina 2023-06-06 18:23:28 +1000
I worry that this will increase cost of vehicles for the average Australian who is already struggling. I work in mental health and already vulnerable Australians can’t afford rent,good food etc. the device is growing and individual Australians are taking the hit as big business just passes on the cost. How will you ensure that these emissions laws don’t get passed on to Indi individuals and small companies that require utes etc rather than big companies?
Is this even considered in the proposals?
Kind regards
Leesa 2023-06-06 08:17:12 +1000
Take effect as soon as possible: Have the standards come into effect as soon as possible, which will be mid-2024, so that we reduce transport emissions from light vehicles now.
Be tough on pollution: Require all new cars sold in Australia to have zero emissions from 2035, which is in line with limiting global heating to a 1.5-degree rise.
Insure affordability: Ensure that by 2035 all new cars sold in Australia have zero emissions, creating a second-hand market for low-emissions vehicles sooner.
Be mandatory and rigorous: Legislate the standards, make them mandatory for all manufacturers, and don’t allow accounting tricks like super credits, offsets etc. that stop the genuine reduction of CO2 emissions.
Denelle 2023-06-05 12:53:39 +1000
Stop being so far behind the curve Australia. You’re still living in the 20th century while the rest of the world moves on. Make all new vehicles electric. Stop polluting our world.
Lihz 2023-06-05 07:57:28 +1000
Reduce transport emissions from all new vehicles.
Restrict use of motorised vehicles in cities.
Gaynor 2023-06-05 02:37:14 +1000
The priorities of the government do not include trying to make a more rigorous plan to ensure that emissions can be reduced as soon as possible, and with conviction. Along with transport, these trucks that are transporting livestock are further contributing to the problem, by essentially doubling up on emissions due to the impact that livestock have upon the atmosphere. Please ensure you prioritise the quality our air, as you are the one who breathes it in too.
Olivia 2023-06-04 20:24:06 +1000
It’s all a load of crap just an excuse for people struggling to pay more money what they can’t afford.
Joan 2023-06-04 20:00:10 +1000
Please for the future of humanity !
Chessie 2023-06-03 20:24:51 +1000
Please make green vehicles more affordable, for the sake of our air.
Janine 2023-06-03 14:45:52 +1000
As a father with young children I really need there to be high standards in limiting and removing pollution from the world. One of the largest is the fuel used everyday by thousands of Australians commuting, travelling, delivering in internal combustion engined vehicles. Australia needs this pollution to be stopped with strong and enforced fuel efficiency standards on all new vehicles as soon as 2024. The government needs to stop listening to the likes of Toyota as they do not have a vested interest in providing cars with zero emissions in the near or extended future. Don’t allow manufacturers to green wash there credentials by using offset credits.
Cameron 2023-06-02 19:56:11 +1000
I want the standards to:

Take effect as soon as possible: Have the standards come into effect as soon as possible, which will be mid-2024, so that we reduce transport emissions from light vehicles now.
Be tough on pollution: Require all new cars sold in Australia to have zero emissions from 2035, which is in line with limiting global heating to a 1.5-degree rise.
Insure affordability: Ensure that by 2035 all new cars sold in Australia have zero emissions, creating a second-hand market for low-emissions vehicles sooner.
Be mandatory and rigorous: Legislate the standards, make them mandatory for all manufacturers, and don’t allow accounting tricks like super credits, offsets etc. that stop the genuine reduction of CO2 emissions.
Rob 2023-06-02 15:25:30 +1000
Introduce strong standards with reasonable timeframes please.
John 2023-06-02 01:17:42 +1000
Get those dirty polluting big trucks off our roads!
Sam 2023-06-01 14:33:19 +1000