Together let's show GHD that the majority of Australians don’t want Adani’s climate-wrecking mine and rail project. Working with Adani would be a bad idea. Not just for our planet – but for GHD’s reputation, too.
Leave your message.
Hang up.
Report back your call so we can count our impact!
GHD Sydney – (02) 9239 7100
GHD Melbourne – (03) 8687 8000
GHD Brisbane – (07) 3316 3000
GHD Perth – (08) 6222 8222
GHD Canberra – (02) 6113 3200
GHD Hobart – (03) 6210 0600
GHD Adelaide – (08) 8111 6600
GHD Townsville – (07) 4720 0400
GHD Geelong – (03) 5273 1800
GHD Launceston – (03) 6332 5500
Calling tips
- When you call, you will speak with someone at reception. Politely ask them to pass on your message to CEO, Ashley Wright.
You may be asked to direct your message to their website, leave your message with reception.
Be friendly and polite! Our concern is with GHD’s decision to work with Adani, not its employees.
Ask for GHD to rule out working on Adani’s coal mine and rail project in any capacity. Climate damage is here, now – we must end digging and burning coal.
Share your support for GHD’s work on clean energy projects and support for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Commend their commitment to “environmentally and socially responsible operations” and remind them that Adani’s coal project is at odds with building a better world.
Ask GHD staff what they think, see if you share common views.
These calls don’t have to be long – the sheer number of calls is what will have an impact, so feel free to make it quick so you can get through as many as you can!
Latest Supporters
I called Melbourne and they directed me to their website rather than me talk talk to anybody.
I called GHD Melbourne and Sydney. I politely made my point and told them why I care.