Report back your calls

Together let's show GHD that the majority of Australians don’t want Adani’s climate-wrecking mine and rail project. Working with Adani would be a bad idea. Not just for our planet – but for GHD’s reputation, too.

Leave your message.
Hang up.

Report back your call so we can count our impact!

  1. GHD Sydney – (02) 9239 7100
  2. GHD Melbourne – (03) 8687 8000
  3. GHD Brisbane – (07) 3316 3000
  4. GHD Perth – (08) 6222 8222
  5. GHD Canberra – (02) 6113 3200
  6. GHD Hobart – (03) 6210 0600
  7. GHD Adelaide – (08) 8111 6600
  8. GHD Townsville – (07) 4720 0400
  9. GHD Geelong – (03) 5273 1800
  10.    GHD Launceston – (03) 6332 5500

Calling tips

  • When you call, you will speak with someone at reception. Politely ask them to pass on your message to CEO, Ashley Wright.
    You may be asked to direct your message to their website, leave your message with reception.
  • Be friendly and polite! Our concern is with GHD’s decision to work with Adani, not its employees.
  • Ask for GHD to rule out working on Adani’s coal mine and rail project in any capacity. Climate damage is here, now – we must end digging and burning coal.
  • Share your support for GHD’s work on clean energy projects and support for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Commend their commitment to “environmentally and socially responsible operations” and remind them that Adani’s coal project is at odds with building a better world.
  • Ask GHD staff what they think, see if you share common views.
  • These calls don’t have to be long – the sheer number of calls is what will have an impact, so feel free to make it quick so you can get through as many as you can!

Latest Supporters

I saids Stop Working with Adani they said it is under consideration
Robert 2019-08-21 14:40:51 +1000
I was hurriedly referred to their website and invited to leave feedback.
Julie 2019-08-21 14:33:32 +1000
Courteous. Listened. Took my details & said she would pass my message on to the CEO.

Abrupt, brusque. Said to go to website. She said she could not pass on my phone message to CEO. Hung up quickly.

Listened politely. Wouldn’t take my name and number. I began to say “How will he know I’ve rung, if you don’t take my name?” but she hung up halfway through this.

Listened patiently & took my details to pass on message. I asked if she also was concerned, and she said “Of course”.

Reception didn’t pick up but I was able to leave a recorded message.

Courteous. Listened. I asked her if she agreed with my concerns. She said she couldn’t comment. I then started to get a bit tearful (happens when talking about Adani) – I apologized, to which she replied “That’s understandable”. Took my details.

Courteous. Listened. Took my message and details. Will pass on message. She said “No comment” when I asked her if she agreed with my concerns.

Geelong (call picked up by Traralgon office – Geelong has no Reception).
She was about to transfer me to Melbourne but I pointed out that the person in Melbourne I had already spoken with was not friendly, so she listened, took my details, saying she would pass on message. I asked her if she agreed with me but she said “Can’t comment”.

Call was transferred to Hobart office so didn’t leave a (second) message.

Courteous. Before I could begin, she asked if my call was about Adani. Took my details and asked her to pass on message to CEO. She said “Couldn’t comment” when I asked if she shared my concerns.
Angela 2019-08-21 14:28:31 +1000
Went okay. She was polite and willing to listen. She did direct me to the website but I just asked again to pass the message on :)
Moira 2019-08-21 14:27:25 +1000
I called Sydney, and she seemed to know my surname already. Weird! She was polite and said she’d pass on my message to the CEO, and also told me to go on their website, which I will.
Gillian 2019-08-21 14:25:37 +1000
Adelaide – no good, the receptionist told me to contact Adani. I informed her that I had and that I was encouraging GHD not to work with Adani. She said ‘not a problem’, ‘thankyou’ and ended the call. It was clear that she was not interested.
Rhett 2019-08-21 13:45:47 +1000
Left a message through their online feedback form
Lynette 2019-08-21 13:29:05 +1000
Sydney office. 1pm Wednesday. Left detailed message requesting GHD cease work with Adani.
Kath 2019-08-21 12:57:54 +1000
Ray 2019-08-21 12:49:23 +1000
Brisbane receptionist very polite and very abrupt.
Gaye 2019-08-21 12:11:07 +1000
Lucian 2019-08-21 12:04:52 +1000
I called all of them but Alison from Tassie answered calls from both Hobart and Launceston. Most of them were happy to pass on the message. I kept it pretty short and sweet and just asked them to pass my msg (pls end GHD’s relationship with Adani) to the CEO.
Alice 2019-08-21 12:04:38 +1000
Cut me short, saying I should go to their website and record my message there. But I asked them to also record my live call.
Nicola 2019-08-21 11:58:33 +1000
Tracey 2019-08-21 11:50:01 +1000
Melbourne – they say its not GHD!
Patricia 2019-08-21 11:47:35 +1000
Ok,lady gave me website address to register my complaint. I get the impression the staff dont want anything to do with adani(those bastards dont get a capitol letter from me lol) i will make more calls this afternoon!
Helene 2019-08-21 11:17:46 +1000
Brisbane receptionist listened for approx. 1 minute about my concerns about GHD working with Adani. She said she was happy to pass my message on but she was very busy and ended the call quite abruptly without taking my details.
Kerin 2019-08-21 11:14:38 +1000
I gave my name & spelt it out which was written down. Politely I requested that Management stop support for Adani as the matter of stopping Adani was most serious. Told me to go to website GHD con/Carmichael. Again I politely thanked the person.
Irene 2019-08-21 11:07:09 +1000
I rang Brisbane. Nice enough woman but perfunctory in approach. She did not appear interested to take my name (and did not) and said she’d lodge my complaint but nothing specific. Maybe she’s had a few of these calls. Wasn’t sure she would do anything.
I rang Sydney and I could clearly sense the woman was sympathetic to the cause. She took my name and passed it on.
Gabrielle 2019-08-21 11:02:28 +1000
Melbourne office. I was told by Kate that I could go to their website feedback page. I said I’ve made a personal call and would appreciate if she could pass that on. She said she would.
Lee 2019-08-21 10:53:48 +1000
Canberra GHD – left a message with receptionist praising GHD on other local projects in Canberra and asking Ashley to reconsider working on Adani coal mine
Jo 2019-08-21 10:51:58 +1000
Sydney… kindly person
Melbourne…. busy line then rude. Said go to website.
Brisbane….. kindly person
Canberra …. kindly person
Townsville….kindly person
Helen 2019-08-21 09:58:14 +1000
Rang the Townsville office and left a message about the Adani project and GHD’s reputation.
I said I would call back to speak to someone.
Romayne 2019-08-21 08:02:47 +1000
Left message
Beata 2019-08-21 00:45:40 +1000
Chickened out on phone calls – am sure they are more effective – but did leave a message on their feedback website (Contact Us)
Gerry 2019-08-20 20:38:14 +1000
Russell 2019-08-20 20:33:41 +1000
Just got their after hours message. I left them a message for Ashley Wright to call me because I want to know if he has heard of the “uncertainty principle” which forms the backbone of all decision-makng in the field of sustainable development … unless Murdoch University stopped teaching it and switched to teaching that coal mining is the way to go … because I don’t understand why I am taught one thing at university but so-called experts just go ahead and belligerently do the opposite.
Bhima 2019-08-20 19:37:17 +1000
I left an email message
Frances 2019-08-20 18:09:28 +1000
Perth office, spoke to Penny who was delightful and we had a very good conversation.
Bea 2019-08-20 16:31:17 +1000
Called Brisbane and spoke with Caroline. I said I support their sustainable energy projects and question what working with Adani would bring for the future considering current climate damage. She said thank you I’ll pass your message on and quickly hung up.
Hannah 2019-08-20 15:37:49 +1000