Courteous. Listened. Took my details & said she would pass my message on to the CEO.
Abrupt, brusque. Said to go to website. She said she could not pass on my phone message to CEO. Hung up quickly.
Listened politely. Wouldn’t take my name and number. I began to say “How will he know I’ve rung, if you don’t take my name?” but she hung up halfway through this.
Listened patiently & took my details to pass on message. I asked if she also was concerned, and she said “Of course”.
Reception didn’t pick up but I was able to leave a recorded message.
Courteous. Listened. I asked her if she agreed with my concerns. She said she couldn’t comment. I then started to get a bit tearful (happens when talking about Adani) – I apologized, to which she replied “That’s understandable”. Took my details.
Courteous. Listened. Took my message and details. Will pass on message. She said “No comment” when I asked her if she agreed with my concerns.
Geelong (call picked up by Traralgon office – Geelong has no Reception).
She was about to transfer me to Melbourne but I pointed out that the person in Melbourne I had already spoken with was not friendly, so she listened, took my details, saying she would pass on message. I asked her if she agreed with me but she said “Can’t comment”.
Call was transferred to Hobart office so didn’t leave a (second) message.
Courteous. Before I could begin, she asked if my call was about Adani. Took my details and asked her to pass on message to CEO. She said “Couldn’t comment” when I asked if she shared my concerns.