Klemzig Primary School
2 Hay St
Klemzig, SA 5087
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The South Australian election is fast approaching and it's crunch time.
We've rated the parties on their environmental policy commitments. Now, it's time to get our independent scorecard in the hands of as many voters as possible.
Will you volunteer for a few hours on election day to hand out our scorecard at a polling booth?
RSVP to sign up for a three-hour shift starting at 8am, 11am, or 2pm. If you're available all-day, sign up to all shifts to let us know you're flexible.
Once you've RSVP'd, we'll be in touch to confirm your shift and make sure you have everything you need to make a difference on election day.
Getting key information in the hands of voters at this critical time depends on passionate, engaged people like you dedicating a few hours of your day.
So join us to make a big impact for the issues you care about and be part of our democracy.