Will you email the Premier and her Cabinet to tell them we will not let a single public dollar go to Aurizon’s rail line for Adani?
Adani is deadly serious about building his climate-wrecking mine. Now Queensland’s biggest coal rail operator, Aurizon has also applied for public money from NAIF to build a coal-carting rail line to Adani’s mine and the Galilee Basin.
Aurizon could be next in line to get hundreds of millions of dollars of public money for this disastrous project.
The Deputy Premier Jackie Trad has confirmed that the Queensland Cabinet will decide whether they will hand millions of dollars to Aurizon. Tell Palaszczuk and her Cabinet to keep their promise and rule out a NAIF loan to Aurizon.
This mine threatens so much that Queenslanders love — our beautiful climate, lush rainforests and a thriving and colourful reef. We need to send a clear message to Palaszczuk now: No public money for Adani’s coal mine. Not now, not ever.