7,234 people
2,766 needed to reach 10,000

Add your name to the petition

ANZ is a major sponsor of the Australian Open: a cultural highlight that promotes fitness, community, and the importance of getting outside. ANZ is also a funding new and expansionary coal, oil or gas projects, which are turbocharging the climate crisis and putting our sports at risk.

This is not a game. ANZ has a climate problem.

Due to increasing heatwaves, the Open and other matches are at risk of cancellation, our champions and fans at risk of heatstroke.

They need to hear from you that you want to see ANZ shift the billions of dollars they are responsible for out of burning and digging fossil fuels and into solutions that will protect us from droughts, floods and heatwaves.

Add your name to the petition.


"As concerned citizens, customers, shareholders, and employees, we call on ANZ to stop financing the digging and burning of fossil fuels. The first steps are:

  1. divesting from thermal coal by 2030 or earlier;
  2. divesting from oil & gas in line with the Paris climate agreement;
  3. not investing in new or expansion coal, gas & oil projects.

Burning fossil fuels is the biggest driver of climate damage. We are concerned about the climate crisis and want action."


Latest Supporters

Elizabeth 2020-10-30 14:04:57 +1100
Ellie 2020-10-30 13:56:23 +1100
We can no longer expand our use of fossil fuels – the time has come to manage the divestment!!
Lesley 2020-10-30 13:50:52 +1100
Louise 2020-10-30 13:49:36 +1100
Alastair 2020-10-30 13:46:19 +1100
Sandra 2020-10-30 13:45:57 +1100
“ANZ, please stop financing the digging and burning of fossils that wreck our climate. You are by far the worst climate polluter of the big 4 banks #ANZClimateProblem

Bushfires, drought – the climate crisis is here, now, and ANZ must do the right thing by all of us and shift the billions of dollars they are responsible for out of burning and digging fossil fuels like coal.

The first steps are: Divesting from thermal coal by 2030 or earlier; Divesting from oil & gas in line with the Paris climate agreement; Not investing in new or expansion coal, gas & oil projects;

Burning fossil fuels is the biggest driver of climate damage. We are concerned about the climate crisis and want action."
Jacqueline 2020-10-30 13:40:31 +1100
Sylvia 2020-10-30 13:39:10 +1100
Continuing to invest in fossil fuels over the long term undermines your social license to operate. It’s time to divest.
Harry 2020-10-30 13:36:25 +1100
Shame on you ANZ…stop to support fossil fuel industries…. and start to support clean energy now.
Anne 2020-10-30 13:20:12 +1100
I bank with ANZ but it is inconceivable that as a customer the organisation is apparently still committed to investing in coal. Surely they would be aware of the problems associated with climate change and global warming.
And this places questions about whether to continue doing business with them.
Rick 2020-10-30 13:20:04 +1100
Eleanor 2020-10-30 13:08:06 +1100
Julie 2020-10-30 13:05:08 +1100
Jackie 2020-10-30 12:54:24 +1100
John 2020-10-30 12:30:44 +1100
To the board and CEO. We all reap what we harvest. Step up ANZ before it costs you. Only fools think they will get away with doing the wrong thing.
Ronald 2020-10-30 12:27:00 +1100
Please stop financing the fossil fuel mining industry!
Invest in clean, renewable energy to protect the planet and safeguard our future.
Dianne 2020-10-30 12:23:36 +1100
My concern as a shareholder, is that all support for CO2 emissions should be withdrawn. A heavy price should be put on all such emissions.
Philip 2020-10-30 12:22:38 +1100
Boo hiss ANZ.
Step into the 21st century and start funding something innovative
Jane 2020-10-30 12:18:17 +1100
Robert 2020-10-30 12:16:25 +1100
Trish 2020-10-30 12:16:24 +1100
Jenny 2020-10-30 12:15:38 +1100
Time for the ANZ to join with others and do the Fed Govts job for them
joe 2020-10-30 12:01:16 +1100
Diana 2020-10-30 11:58:42 +1100
Barry 2020-10-30 11:53:26 +1100
I support the move for the ANZ to cease investment in fossil fuels by 2030 and to now re-align their support nore for re-newable energy
Robert 2020-10-30 11:48:06 +1100
There is no Plan B!
Gerard 2020-10-30 11:47:58 +1100
ANZ, please stop financing the digging and burning of fossil fuels that wreck our climate. You are by far the worst climate polluter of the big 4 banks
Kim 2020-10-30 11:37:22 +1100
Fay 2020-10-30 11:34:00 +1100
Cate 2020-10-30 11:33:59 +1100