Petitioning South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill
Right now there is a plan to ship up to one-third of the world’s high-level radioactive waste and bury it in South Australia.
This plan would impact Australians for the next 300,000 years.
It would enable aging nuclear reactors around the world – now under pressure to close because of their intractable waste problems – to stay open for another decade – more risk and more waste.
Let’s tell South Australian Premier Weatherill not to open Australia’s door to the world’s dirty and dangerous radioactive waste. We should not prop up this declining industry for a few more years and impose its waste on generations of our children to come.
Muckaty Traditional Owners united against a plan to dump radioactive waste on their country, and won.
There’s an organised campaign for an international waste dump in Australia, an expensive “consultation” and social media campaign which presents the plan as if it’s a done deal. We need to counter this push.
The future for Australia – and the world’s – energy needs is renewable, not radioactive. Energy from the sun, wind, and waves is abundant and will never run out. It doesn’t pollute the air we breathe or the water we drink. Nuclear energy is dirty, dangerous, expensive and belongs in the past.
After seven decades of commercial nuclear power operations, not one nation has a final disposal site for high level waste and the sector is strewn with failed projects, timeline delays and massive cost overruns.
The global nuclear power sector is dying out due to public opposition, extreme costs and the rise of renewable energy.
Nuclear waste is like zombie waste – it remains undead.
Will you sign our petition to send a strong message so Premier Weatherill knows Australians don’t support South Australia storing radioactive waste from all around the world?
Together, we can ensure that South Australia’s future is bright, not glowing.
BREAKING NEWS: Citizens' jury rejects push for South Australian nuclear waste dump