Forward the pre-written letter to Tanya Plibersek urging her to save Toondah’s wetlands and wildlife from Walker Corp’s bulldozers.
It will be an environmental disaster if Walker Corp’s Toondah plans go ahead. It will destroy globally significant wetlands home to threatened shorebirds and sea life to make way for luxury apartments, a marina and shopping strips.
The local community doesn’t want it, and the Minister's own department has given repeated advice to reject it.
As a critical safe haven for some of Australia's most vulnerable animals – like dugongs, whales and the critically endangered eastern curlew – Toondah Harbour matters to all of us, and your voice matters.
Give your email a unique subject line, and forward the letter urging the Environment Minister to reject the project, and make sure special places like Toondah’s wetlands are not ‘open for business’ to profit-hungry corporations.