DFO Essendon
100 Bulla Rd
Essendon , VIC 3041
See Google map »
Right now, teams of volunteers across the country are surveying voters on how they feel about stopping climate damage to demonstrate how many people in our local areas care. The more conversations we have, the more community power we can demonstrate to our elected representatives!
Join us at Essendon Fields Shopping Complex to talk to people in our local community and survey their views!
Community surveys are fun and easy – you’ll get to know people, learn new skills and have conversations about issues that really matter.
We'll provide all the training and materials you need – just bring yourself and a pen, and a clipboard if you have one.
Want to know more about our conversations campaign? Here's all the info you need!
Hope to see you there!
ACF @ Ceres is an independently run event hosted by a member of your community. When you RSVP, ACF will pass on your contact details to the host for the purpose of running the event.