Nature is at the heart of everything; the air we breathe, the water we drink, the places we love. 

We need nature to survive and thrive but right now nature is in trouble.  

Globally, n​ature is being destroyed faster now than at any other time in human history - more than a million species are at risk of extinction.

It’s hard to believe, but Australia has one of the worst extinction rates in the world. The wildlife and natural places we love are under pressure like never before.

Australia is the only developed country on the list of global deforestation hotspots and we’ve caused the extinction of more mammals than any other nation. 

We’re destroying the homes of threatened animals – like the koala, greater glider, swift parrot, forest red-tailed black-cockatoo and spot-tailed quoll - at a dangerous rate. Tens of thousands of hectares of threatened animals habitat have been approved for destruction in the last decade, even though habitat destruction is one of the biggest threats to their survival. But we can turn this around.

One way to stem the tide of nature destruction is by giving nature a helping hand in your own backyard. Protecting the wildlife and places we love starts at home. By downloading our free gardening guide, you can learn ways to create healthy habitat and food for our furry, scaly and feathered friends, no matter where in Australia you live. 

Welcome wildlife into your backyard with our free gardening guide today. 

Header image: Annette Ruzicka/MAPgroup.