Fire & Air Forum: Biodiversity, Environmental Sustainability and Human Health
Friday 5 May
Theatre Auditorium University Club UWA
Convenor, Dr Carole Peters, committee members, and co hosts the WA Forest Alliance (WAFA) and the Royal Society of Western Australia (RSWA), take great pleasure in announcing this exciting follow-up to the Fire & Biodiversity (FaB) Forum held at the Margaret River HEART in 2021.
Thanks to the generosity of sponsors as listed on the flyer - WAFA, Wilderness Society, CCWA, BDEC, SWFDF, MRREC, DEC, FaBWA, SCEG, UBC, Birdlife WA, DEA WA, ACF Perth Community Group - and private donors Tony Pedro, Dr Maureen Phillips and Janine & Allan Pitman, the ticket prices have been reduced by 50%, making this forum accessible to a diverse audience.
A limit of 280 seats means that the event will sell out fast, especially as the popular FaB Forum, Workshop and Field Trip attracted an audience of approx 440 in times of Covid restrictions. The expertise of the speakers, the hot topic, the venue and location, all day catering, including a sundowner, are all big draw cards.
This is a not-for-profit event. All planning, organisation and coordination is voluntary, and speakers give freely of their time and effort. In short, great value for money!
SPONSORS and SUPPORTERS please advertise and share this flyer via your networks, membership lists and Facebook pages. Marketing matters and a switched on audience is vital to a successful event.
FLYER with BOOKING LINK attached below.
Dr Carole Peters
F&A Forum Committee:
Dr Carole Peters (Convenor)
Jess Beckerling (WAFA)
Pat Gardner (Wilderness Society)
Maggie Wood (CCWA)
Craig Sisson (BDEC)
Beth Schultz AO (SWFDF)
Dr Emma-Leigh Synnott (DEA WA - Doctors for Environment)
Dr Maureen Phillips (ACF Perth Community Group)
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