While in opposition, Anthony Albanese made a promise to sign and ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

Two years into his term as Prime Minister, he still hasn't come good on this important promise.

By signing and ratifying the Treaty, Australia can reaffirm its commitment to global peace and security, sending a powerful message to the world that we refuse to tolerate weapons of mass destruction that cause indiscriminate human suffering, climate chaos and environmental catastrophe.

The global uptake of this Treaty will protect people from nuclear weapons and the environment from sacrifice zones, nuclear winter and climate disruption. 

A unique email to the Prime Minister is the most powerful way to be heard about nuclear weapons. Write today before we meet with Anthony Albanese on Monday 25 March 2024 about this issue and hand over an 11,000 signature-strong petition.

What to include in your email

Write to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, including the following details:

  • Who you are, briefly
  • The human and environmental costs of nuclear weapons that concern you most
  • That you're waiting for Anthony Albanese to fulfil his promise to sign and ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition on Nuclear Weapons
  • Tell him that this would be a powerful legacy for his government or make you proud personally.

Please note: the Prime Minister's submission portal requires address information, ACF is not collecting it for any other purpose.


Header photo: Kokatha Mula woman Aunty Sue Coleman Haseldine speaks at the UN on the importance of the TPNW – watched on by Hiroshima survivor Setsuko Thurlow.