
November 05, 2023
10am - 12pm


Don Vogt


Dights Falls Reserve rotunda
Dights Falls Reserve - enter off Trenerry Crescent
Abbotsford, VIC 3067
See Google map »

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November 05, 2023
10am - 12pm


Don Vogt


Dights Falls Reserve rotunda
Dights Falls Reserve - enter off Trenerry Crescent
Abbotsford, VIC 3067
See Google map »


outline of multiple iconic threatened species


Enjoy a fun spring outdoor event near Dights Falls, painting and colouring in native animals at risk of extinction, on a 3 metre long banner! The banner will be as featured above.

The completed banner will be presented to Federal MPs whose support we seek in order to strengthen our national environment protection laws (EPBC Act).

At this event we will:

  • connect with others who care about nature 🌱 and want a fair say in decision-making
  • creatively colour, draw, decorate and write personal messages on a large banner featuring an outline of iconic threatened species (see mock-up above), which will be delivered to local MPs in collaboration with other ACF community groups
  • hand out flyers and have conversations with locals about the need for transparent and accountable federal nature laws that change the status quo for nature
  • enjoy a picnic together in a beautiful spot.

All materials and morning tea provided.  

Dress for the weather and UV rating. BYO water. Public toilet nearby.

Nature and our native animals need us to be their voice to protect their habitats and their right to live and flourish.

P.S. If they are allowed to flourish, we flourish too! 

We're looking forward to seeing you there!