78 people
29,922 needed to reach 30,000

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Hi there! You landed on this page after scanning a QR code on one of the thousands of yellow Climate Action Now signs we helped distribute in communities in the lead-up to the 2022 federal election.

At the ballot boxes, we the people delivered a resounding call for bolder climate action and more integrity in politics from our Parliament.

Since then, we've made a lot of progress. After a wasted decade of climate policy paralysis in Australia, we now have an improved emissions reduction target and a stronger Safeguard Mechanism to crack down on our biggest polluters.

But much more still needs doing.

Every minute our governments hand over $22,217 to fossil fuels in subsidies. When the coal and gas Australia exports are burned overseas, the damage adds up to 5% of global climate pollution. 

It's up to all of us to keep pushing our government to deliver bolder climate action now. 

Sign the petition now urging the Australian government to end all coal and gas projects in Australia and guide us to a safe climate future.

Petition demands

"To the Prime Minister, Energy Minister and Environment Minister,

End coal and gas in Australia to ramp up climate action. That means:

  • This decade, replacing existing coal, gas and uranium exports with a renewable-powered exports industry and climate-positive careers for communities
  • No new coal and gas projects or infrastructure
  • Stop spending public money on the fossil fuel industry – fund climate solutions instead."

A responsible government would use our public money to make our communities and wildlife thrive, not fund the industries damaging our climate. The Albanese Government has already taken some steps to advance climate ambition in Australia, but to truly slash climate pollution it must immediately end public funding for fossil fuels.

In the 2021-22 financial year, government subsidies for fossil fuels cost Australians $11.6 billion. In the same period, climate-fuelled floods devastated Queensland and New South Wales communities and wildlife.

If we stop spending public money on fossil fuels now, we can help prevent even more damaging projects in the future. Currently, Australia has 114 new coal and gas projects, like Woodside's Scarborough project, in the pipeline and if the projects were to go ahead they would almost double our current domestic emissions. And that’s not including any emissions from exporting the coal and gas overseas!

For a safe climate future, let’s instead invest our public money into renewable exports that can replace coal and gas, slash pollution and create climate-positive jobs that future-proof our economy.

Sign the petition and call on our government to step up for climate action.

Latest Supporters

Elijah 2024-06-17 20:21:25 +1000
Kate 2024-05-21 15:48:03 +1000
Thomas 2024-05-19 12:37:11 +1000
Chris 2024-05-12 15:39:20 +1000
It’s time for the Albanese government, along with state governments, to urgently put an end new coal, gas and oil mines, including extensions. Australia’s average surface temperature has already increased 1.5 C since 1910. Instead, it is shocking, economically unnecessary and contrary to the short to long term interests of Australian society that the federal government is proceeding with a “gas fired” future up to and beyond 2050. Coupled with that is the government indefinitely deferring the bulk of any substantive amendments to the EPBC Act 1999 on this and other issues.
Karen 2024-05-12 14:17:25 +1000
I implore the Australian Government to cease coal and gas exploration and exports. We know the effects on the atmosphere as a result, and we know the effects on our waterways.
For the Government to do next to nothing reflects very poorly on their interest in their constituents, their national and international communities and the biosphere that supports life on earth.
Sally 2024-05-03 10:45:45 +1000
Justine 2024-05-01 17:37:59 +1000
Cailee 2024-03-24 10:26:57 +1100
I want Australia to end coal and gas because there are better alternatives available. I’d love to see governments investing in development of less damaging solutions as this will show through their actions that they are aware of the need for change. It will also bring them up to the standard of international governments who are already delivering solutions now that will lead to a better future. Australia could be leading but instead we are lagging.
I also care because coal and gas industries cause irreversible damage to the ocean and land environments, disrupting vital food chains and causing harm to animals. the southern right whale will be under threat if the government allows seismic blasting to go ahead in the waters along the southern Victorian and south Australian coast. The government has a choice- to stand up and protect the sea country of the gunditjamara and waddawarrung people or to side with the multinational companies TSG and SLB…whose profits from this harmful blasting and potentially drilling further in the future will not benefit the Australian economy or Australian people or wildlife or unique marine environments. Make the (southern right) choice – governments only get one chance! Don’t screw it up for us all.
Zoe 2024-03-24 09:41:36 +1100
Nicholas 2024-03-15 09:21:07 +1100
Ben 2024-03-13 16:34:43 +1100
Kank 2024-03-07 11:22:34 +1100
Marie 2024-03-03 16:34:22 +1100
I want Australia to end coal and gas because it is depleting our natural resources. It goes against nature, our world was not created so that we can destroy it’s resources
Linh 2024-02-24 12:48:10 +1100
Sam 2024-02-08 17:17:02 +1100
Vicky 2024-02-07 17:02:23 +1100
Samantha 2024-02-04 14:44:51 +1100
Robert 2024-02-04 09:18:03 +1100
Patricia 2024-01-14 07:03:57 +1100
I want Australia to end coal and gas because their use is destroying the ecological basis for life as we know it. I want an end to this suicidal madness, a madness driven by the psychotic greed of a powerful few and the manufactured confusion of the many.
Thomas 2024-01-04 09:52:42 +1100
It is a huge cause of emissions (and preventable) and we have the technology to create sustainable energy… so why don’t we?!
Ashleigh 2023-12-28 17:51:35 +1100
Pat 2023-12-27 17:48:21 +1100
Michael 2023-12-26 18:54:12 +1100
Jabbour 2023-12-25 11:05:56 +1100
Anika 2023-12-23 19:11:55 +1100
I want there to be a carbon-neutral world for my grandchildren. they have been born – so now it is up to the government. Get on with it Albo and Dutton
Nicolette 2023-12-16 15:12:05 +1100
I want coal and gas fuels to stop as fossil fuel companies are accelerating climate change. Stop the greed and secure a safe planet for the generations to come . It happening and it real . Listen for once to the Scientists before it is too late,time is running out.
Lorraine 2023-12-11 12:49:32 +1100
Our politicians should, if they want to have any credibility regarding statements they make on climate change, first of all not allow any new or extended coal or gas projects. Then work to close existing coal and gas projects. While doing this provision must be made for new employment for those workers displaced by the closure of those polluting industries. In making this petition I would strongly recommend that you investigate President Biden’s Rewiring America initiative
Donald 2023-11-18 16:09:05 +1100
I want a future with clean air and beaches where they are meant to be. I want a future where the people on the coasts with no where else to go are safe. I want a future in which I can see the sky. I want a future.
Caleb 2023-11-17 17:13:28 +1100
Kobie 2023-10-27 20:09:43 +1100