A broad coalition of faith, union, environmental, Aboriginal and public health groups, representing millions of Australians, has come together to send a clear message to federal politicians that our energy future is renewable, not radioactive.

The groups have released a shared statement in response to the federal parliamentary inquiry into prospects for nuclear power in Australia. Public submissions to the inquiry close today.

The statement’s backers include the ACTU, state and territory trade unions, the Public Health Association of Australia, Uniting and Catholic church organisations, the Smart Energy Council, the Aboriginal led Australian Nuclear Free Alliance, climate action groups, Greenpeace Australia Pacific, state and territory environment councils and the Australian Conservation Foundation.

The groups maintain nuclear power has no role in Australia’s energy future and is a dangerous distraction from real progress on our pressing energy and climate challenges and opportunities facing Australia.

The statement calls for the Federal Parliament to embrace renewable energy as the cleanest, quickest, cheapest and most credible way to power Australian homes and workplaces, and repower regional communities and the national economy.

The full statement will be added here once it has been accepted as a submission by the federal parliamentary inquiry.

A list of endorsing organisations follows.

Environment groups

Australian Conservation Foundation

Arid Lands Environment Centre

Conservation Council SA

Conservation Council WA

Environment Centre NT

Environment Victoria

Environs Kimberley

Friends of the Earth Australia

Gene Ethics Network

Greenpeace Australia Pacific

Mineral Policy Institute

National Toxics Network

Nature Conservation Council NSW

Queensland Conservation Council

Wilderness Society

Trade unions

Australian Council of Trade Unions

Australian Education Union

Australian Manufacturing Workers Union

Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation

Australian Services Union

Communication Workers Union

Electrical Trades Union

Independent Education Union (Vic - Tas)

Maritime Union of Australia

National Union of Workers

Tasmanian Unions

Unions ACT

Unions WA

Unions SA

Unions NT

United Voice

United Firefighters Union

Victorian Trades Hall Council

Indigenous groups

Australian Nuclear Free Alliance

Gundjehmi Aboriginal Corporation

No Dump Alliance

Health groups

Doctors for Environment Australia

Medical Association for the Prevention of War

Public Health Association of Australia

Faith groups

Uniting Church of Australia (Vic - Tas)

Sisters of Mercy

Jesuit Social Services

Josephite (SA) Reconciliation Circle

Climate / renewable / anti-nuclear / peace groups


Australian Youth Climate Coalition

Beyond Nuclear Initiative

Beyond Zero Emissions

Climate Action Monaro

Climate Action Newcastle

Climate Change Balmain-Rozelle

Darebin Climate Action Now

Green Institute

Hornsby Shire Climate Action

Independent and Peaceful Australia Network

Lithgow Environment Group

Madden Sainsbury Foundation

Nuclear Free NSW

Parramatta Climate Action Network

Renew (Alternative Technology Association)

Ryde Gladesville Climate Change Action Group

Smart Energy Council

Sustainable Energy Now (WA)

Sutherland Shire Environment Centre

Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom


ACF Media Enquiries

Journalists with enquiries may contact Josh Meadows on 0439 342 992.