Negotiations for a breakthrough global agreement on biodiversity in Montreal are in trouble and there is a desperate need for leaders like Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek to ‘clean up the mess’ and get an international agreement to protect nature back on track.

The Australian Conservation Foundation, which has been observing negotiations and meeting with Australia’s delegation, has called on the Minister to lead – as she represents one of the world’s wealthiest ‘mega-diverse’ countries – when she arrives tomorrow.

“Time is running out to get these negotiations back on track – and the nature crisis doesn’t have time to spare – we need a strong global agreement and the funding to resource it,” CEO Kelly O’Shanassy said.

“Never before has there been such a large business contingency at a biodiversity COP – this sends a strong signal that businesses are engaged – world leaders must harness this opportunity by locking in private investment and mandatory reporting.

“Ecosystem collapse is ranked as one of the top five threats facing humanity. 

“We can’t halt and reverse biodiversity destruction without urgent action from business.

“With half of the world’s GDP directly dependent on nature, business must act quickly to shift investment away from practices that destroy nature towards activities that restore it. 

“Australia can play a leadership role to ensure a strong outcome in Montreal.

“The European Union, France and Germany have put funding on the table to halt and reverse biodiversity loss this decade.

“Global agreements only work if there’s money on the table for all countries to make the changes needed to halt destruction and fund the recovery of species and ecosystems.

“We are calling on Australia not to waste this opportunity – our unique wildlife is depending on it.”  

ACF Media Enquiries

Journalists with enquiries may contact Josh Meadows on 0439 342 992.