A media package puts everything a journalist may need together in one place – a media release, photos, a spokesperson bio and background information.

Journalists can be time and resource poor, so it helps to make things easier for them – and it increases your chances of getting your story published.

Think about what makes your story newsworthy: is it unusual or humourous? Does it contain an interesting story about a local person, or a confrontation (conflict makes for compelling reading!)? Is it part of a bigger story, like a national or global day of action? Will it impact local readers?

Try to think of why the journalist would be interested, as this will help you pitch the story to them.

Things to include in your media package

  • Contact details: Make sure you include contact details for yourself, any other spokespeople from your group and anyone else you think may be relevant.
  • Information about you: Share a short bio of your Community Group, any information you think might be interesting about the group and anything the journalist would otherwise need to research.
  • A media release: See our media release toolkit for tips on writing media releases.
  • Images: Make sure you include a few photos of your group or the key spokespeople, so they can be used for the story.
  • Further information: Add any other information such as links to websites or further reading that is connected to your story and will give a fuller picture.

Follow up phone calls

Around half an hour after you’ve sent your media package, follow up with the journalists you think might be particularly interested and give them a call to make sure they’ve seen your email.

Ask if they have any questions or need further clarification on anything, and if they plan to attend your event or cover your story. Be sure to have some talking points ready, in case they ask for an interview over the phone!

Useful climate facts

Need some facts to support your story?

Remember – you don’t need to be an expert! It’s enough to be a citizen who cares.

If you’d like some more information, why not check out our Change the story toolkit.

Tessa Fluence

Public Narrative Coordinator at Australian Conservation Foundation