In response to the release of the CSIRO’s latest GenCost study of energy options for Australia, the Australian Conservation Foundation nuclear policy analyst Dave Sweeney said:
“Australia’s chief science agency has again confirmed nuclear is the most expensive energy option for Australia.
“The CSIRO’s latest research comes after multiple other independent analyses have ranked nuclear as Australia’s most costly energy option.
“Nuclear is not right for Australia, which has some of the best renewable energy resources on the planet.
“Energy producers, transmitters and retailers have voted with their feet and wallets.
“Instead of nuclear, Australia’s energy sector is investing heavily in renewable technologies, which already supply 40% of Australia’s electricity.
“Solar panels now grace the roofs of four million Australian houses.
“Lacking bipartisan support and facing community, legal and political obstacles in every Australian jurisdiction, the Opposition’s claim there will be nuclear reactors operating in a decade should they win the next federal election is fanciful.
“Nuclear is a dangerous distraction and delay to effective climate action. Australia’s energy future is renewable, not radioactive.”
National polling of more than 6,000 Australians, released by ACF last week, shows just 26% of women think nuclear would be good for Australia, compared to 51% of men.