In response to the Climate Change Authority’s advice to Minister Chris Bowen on opportunities to reduce emissions across six major sectors, the Australian Conservation Foundation’s campaigns director and acting CEO Dr Paul Sinclair said:

“ACF welcomes the Climate Change Authority’s analysis showing Australia can meet and beat its 2030 emissions reduction target and accelerate towards a 75% by 2035 target.

“A 75% target can be achieved by protecting and restoring Australia’s forests, building a renewable energy electricity system firmed by clean energy storage, helping communities shift to low emissions transport and managing the phasedown of fossil fuel extraction.

“A high ambition 2035 target is critical to set a clear goal for the government’s Future Made in Australia strategy and will help provide certainty for business and community investors.

“The Authority sees no role for nuclear in Australia’s drive towards net zero by 2050, citing federal and state bans, the long lead time before a nuclear reactor could be operational and ‘its high cost relative to other low carbon generation technologies.’

“The Authority’s modelling for the land sector shows the significant potential for storing carbon naturally by protecting and restoring Australian forests, woodlands and wetlands.

“The Authority makes it clear storing carbon in the landscape won’t get us to net zero and carbon offsetting cannot be the principal mechanism to achieve climate targets.

Research by Climate Analytics has shown the majority of land sector offsets fail to deliver genuine or additional emission reductions and the practice of using Australia’s land sector to offset fossil fuel emissions is highly risky.

“The government must not turn its back on the opportunities that come with climate action.

“Beyond electricity, the sector pathways review highlights the need for government action to build up the clean energy industries and renewable exports of Australia’s future.

“The Authority’s analysis and its modelled scenarios makes it clear that to achieve net zero, the extraction of fossil fuels will need to be reduced and ultimately phased out.”

ACF Media Enquiries

Journalists with enquiries may contact Josh Meadows on 0439 342 992.